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Translation of Administration: Vietnamese

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No comments yet. Không có bình luận Details
No comments yet.

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(required) (bắt buộc) Details
No role Không có quy tắc nào Details
No role

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no user roles
Không có Details
Context no user roles

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View all drafts Xem tất cả bản nháp Details
View all drafts

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From %1$s %2$s Từ %1$s %2$s Details
From %1$s %2$s

1: Comment author, 2: Notification if the comment is pending.


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M jS Y d/m/Y Details
M jS Y

Date and time format for recent posts on the dashboard, from a different calendar year, see


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You have chosen to delete the following users from all networks and sites. Bạn đã chọn xóa những thành viên bên dưới từ tất cả mạng và trang web. Details
You have chosen to delete the following users from all networks and sites.

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User has no sites or content and will be deleted. Thành viên không có trang hoặc nội dung nào sẽ bị xóa. Details
User has no sites or content and will be deleted.

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Warning: Cảnh báo: Details
Edit permalink Chỉnh sửa permalink Details
Edit permalink

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Saving revision… Đang lưu… Details
Saving revision…

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Get Version %s Nhận phiên bản %s Details
Get Version %s

%s: WordPress version.


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Links list Danh sách liên kết Details
Links list

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Local time is %s. Giờ địa phương là %s Details
Local time is %s.

%s: Local time.


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With warnings
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