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Translation of Administration: Sakha

1 2 3 34
Prio Original string Translation
start of week
1 Details
Context start of week

Default start of the week. 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday.


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default GMT offset or timezone string
+9 Details
Context default GMT offset or timezone string

default GMT offset or timezone string. Must be either a valid offset (-12 to 14) or a valid timezone string (America/New_York). See for all timezone strings currently supported by PHP. Important: When a previous timezone string, like `Europe/Kiev`, has been superseded by an updated one, like `Europe/Kyiv`, as a rule of thumb, the **old** timezone name should be used in the “translation” to allow for the default timezone setting to be PHP cross-version compatible, as old timezone names will be recognized in new PHP versions, while new timezone names cannot be recognized in old PHP versions. To verify which timezone strings are available in the _oldest_ PHP version supported, you can use and replace the “BR” (Brazil) in the code line with the country code for which you want to look up the supported timezone names.


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%s update failed. %s саҥардыы сатаммата. Details
%s update failed.

%s: Number of failed updates.


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%s updates failed. Саҥардыы (%s) сатаммата. Details
%s updates failed.

%s: Number of failed updates.


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You can find new plugins to install by searching or browsing the directory right here in your own Plugins section. Саҥа плагиинары көрдөөһүн көмөтүнэн биитэр бу сирэйтэн каталогы көрөн булан ылыаххын сөп. Details
You can find new plugins to install by searching or browsing the directory right here in your own Plugins section.

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Search plugins by: Көрдөөһүн ирдэбиллэрэ: Details
Search plugins by:

Hidden accessibility text.


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Convert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively. Талыллыбыт тиэктэри хаттыгаска, биитэр хаттыгастары тиэккэ уларытыы. Details
Convert existing categories to tags or tags to categories, selectively.

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Import posts from LiveJournal using their API. LiveJournal суруйууларын API көмөтүнэн көһөрөн аҕалыы. Details
Import posts from LiveJournal using their API.

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Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog. Movable Type эбэтэр TypePad blog суруйууларын уонна ырытыыларын көһөрөн аҕалыы. Details
Import posts and comments from a Movable Type or TypePad blog.

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Import posts from an RSS feed. Суруйуулары RSS-лиэнтэттэн көһөрөн аҕалыы. Details
Import posts from an RSS feed.

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Import posts & media from Tumblr using their API. Tumblr суруйууларын уонна миэдьийэтин API-тын көмөтүнэн көһөрөн аҕалыы. Details
Import posts & media from Tumblr using their API.

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Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a WordPress export file. Суруйуулары, сирэйдэри, ырытыылары, хаттыгастары уонна тиэктэри WordPress таһаарар билэтиттэн угуу. Details
Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags from a WordPress export file.

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Import posts, comments, and users from a Blogger blog. Blogger-тан суруйууларын, ырытыыларын уонна кыттааччыларын көһөрөн угуу. Details
Import posts, comments, and users from a Blogger blog.

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New users are automatically assigned a password, which they can change after logging in. You can view or edit the assigned password by clicking the Show Password button. The username cannot be changed once the user has been added. Саҥа кыттааччыларга аһарык иҥэриллэр, ону ааттарынан киирэн баран уларытыахтарын сөп. «Аһарыгы көрдөр» диэни баттаан көрүөххэ биитэр уларытыахха сөп. Бэлиэ-ааты буоллаҕына кэлин уларытар сатаммат. Details
New users are automatically assigned a password, which they can change after logging in. You can view or edit the assigned password by clicking the Show Password button. The username cannot be changed once the user has been added.

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%s was successfully deleted.
%s этэҥҥэ сотулунна. Details
%s was successfully deleted.
Context plugin

%s: Plugin name.


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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2 3 34

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