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Translation of 6.4.x: Tatar

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Prio Original string Translation
Your session has expired. You can log in again from this page or go to the login page. Сессиягезнең вакыты чыкты. Сез яңадан бу биттән керә аласыз йә керү битенә бара аласыз. Details
Your session has expired. You can log in again from this page or go to the login page.

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Header Өс Details

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Public Һәркемгә ачык Details
Set featured image Сайланган сурәт кую Details
Set featured image

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Schedule Эшләү вакытын билгеләү Details

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Could not set that as the thumbnail image. Try a different attachment. Аны кечкенә сурәт итеп куеп булмады. Башка беркетмәне куеп карагыз. Details
Could not set that as the thumbnail image. Try a different attachment.

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Comma Өтер Details

comma as in the character ‘,’


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photo фото Details

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Find original Оригинал табу Details
Find original

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Visibility Күренеш Details
Save as pending Көтеп тора торган итеп саклау Details
Save as pending

button label text should, if possible, be under 16 characters.


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Keyboard input Клавиатура кертеме Details
Keyboard input

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Social Icon
block title
Соцчелтәр тамгасы Details
Social Icon
Context block title

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Social Icons
block title
Соцчелтәр тамгалары Details
Social Icons
Context block title

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Tag Cloud
block title
Тег болыты Details
Tag Cloud
Context block title

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With warnings
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