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Translation of 6.4.x: Indonesian

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Prio Original string Translation
Color code: %s Kode warna: %s Details
Color code: %s

%s: color hex code e.g: “#f00”.


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Color: %s Warna: %s Details
Color: %s

%s: The name of the color e.g: “vivid red”.


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Minutes Menit Details

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Add item Tambahkan item Details
Add item

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Item added. Item ditambahkan. Details
Item added.

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Item removed. Item dihapus. Details
Item removed.

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Category Kategori Details
Search for a block Cari blok Details
Search for a block

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Available block types Jenis blok yang tersedia Details
Available block types

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Order Urutan Details
no title tanpa judul Details
no title

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Your work will be published at the specified date and time. Pekerjaan Anda akan diterbitkan pada tanggal dan waktu yang telah ditentukan. Details
Your work will be published at the specified date and time.

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Are you ready to publish? Apakah Anda sudah siap untuk menerbitkan? Details
Are you ready to publish?

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Double-check your settings before publishing. Periksa kembali pengaturan Anda sebelum menerbitkan. Details
Double-check your settings before publishing.

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Visibility: Visibilitas: Details

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Changes requested
With warnings
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