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Translation of 6.4.x: Finnish

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Prio Original string Translation
block keyword
linkit Details

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Block interactions Lohkojen vuorovaikutukset Details
Block interactions

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Click <StylesIconImage /> to start designing your blocks, and choose your typography, layout, and colors. Napsauta <StylesIconImage /> ja suunnittele omat lohkosi, joihin voit valita typografian, asettelun ja värit. Details
Click <StylesIconImage /> to start designing your blocks, and choose your typography, layout, and colors.

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Custom color picker. The currently selected color is called "%1$s" and has a value of "%2$s". Värinvalitsin. Valitun värin nimi on "%1$s" ja sen arvo on "%2$s". Details
Custom color picker. The currently selected color is called "%1$s" and has a value of "%2$s".

%1$s: The name of the color e.g: “vivid red”. %2$s: The color’s hex code e.g: “#f00”.


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Close border color Sulje reunuksen väri Details
Close border color

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Close block inserter Sulje lohkolisääjä Details
Close block inserter

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The posts page template cannot be changed. Artikkelien sivupohjaa ei voi muuttaa. Details
The posts page template cannot be changed.

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Displays the date on which the comment was posted.
block description
Näyttää kommentin julkaisupäivämäärän. Details
Displays the date on which the comment was posted.
Context block description

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Contains the block elements used to display a comment, like the title, date, author, avatar and more.
block description
Sisältää kommenttien näyttämiseen käytettävät lohkoelementit, kuten otsikon, päivämäärän, kirjoittajan, avatarin ja muuta. Details
Contains the block elements used to display a comment, like the title, date, author, avatar and more.
Context block description

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Suspendisse commodo neque lacus, a dictum orci interdum et. Suspendisse commodo neque lacus, a dictum orci interdum et. Details
Suspendisse commodo neque lacus, a dictum orci interdum et.

example text.


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Media file Mediatiedosto Details
Media file

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Show: Näytä: Details

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Full post Koko artikkeli Details
Full post

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Display featured image Näytä artikkelikuva Details
Display featured image

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Image alignment Kuvan tasaus Details
Image alignment

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With warnings
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