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Translation of 6.1.x: English (Australia)

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Prio Original string Translation
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Comments are closed. Comments are closed. Details
Comments are closed.

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Suggestion: Suggestion: Details
Unlink Unlink Details
Empty Term. Empty Term. Details
Empty Term.

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Could not insert term into the database. Could not insert term into the database. Details
Could not insert term into the database.

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The slug “%s” is already in use by another term. The slug “%s” is already in use by another term. Details
The slug “%s” is already in use by another term.

%s: Taxonomy term slug.


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Invalid object ID. Invalid object ID. Details
Invalid object ID.

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Invalid key. Invalid key. Details
Theme without %s Theme without %s Details
Theme without %s

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Please include a %s template in your theme. Please include a %s template in your theme. Details
Please include a %s template in your theme.

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You have searched the %1$s blog archives for <strong>&#8216;%2$s&#8217;</strong>. If you are unable to find anything in these search results, you can try one of these links. You have searched the %1$s blog archives for <strong>&#8216;%2$s&#8217;</strong>. If you are unable to find anything in these search results, you can try one of these links. Details
You have searched the %1$s blog archives for <strong>&#8216;%2$s&#8217;</strong>. If you are unable to find anything in these search results, you can try one of these links.

1: Site link, 2: Search query.


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