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Translation of 6.0.x: English (South Africa)

1 2 3 6
Prio Original string Translation
Number of media items displayed: %d. Click load more for more results. Number of media items displayed: %d. Click load more for more results. Details
Number of media items displayed: %d. Click load more for more results.

Accessibility text. %d: Number of attachments found in a search.


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Load more Load more Details
Load more

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Jump to first loaded item Jump to first loaded item Details
Jump to first loaded item

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Showing %1$s of %2$s media items Showing %1$s of %2$s media items Details
Showing %1$s of %2$s media items

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block keyword
link Details

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The "%s" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details. The "%s" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details. Details
The "%s" block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

%s: the name of the affected block.


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Email address for the comment author. Email address for the comment author. Details
Email address for the comment author.

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IP address for the comment author. IP address for the comment author. Details
IP address for the comment author.

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Display name for the comment author. Display name for the comment author. Details
Display name for the comment author.

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URL for the comment author. URL for the comment author. Details
URL for the comment author.

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User agent for the comment author. User agent for the comment author. Details
User agent for the comment author.

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The content for the post. The content for the post. Details
The content for the post.

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Content for the post, as it exists in the database. Content for the post, as it exists in the database. Details
Content for the post, as it exists in the database.

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HTML content for the post, transformed for display. HTML content for the post, transformed for display. Details
HTML content for the post, transformed for display.

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The date the post was published, as GMT. The date the post was published, as GMT. Details
The date the post was published, as GMT.

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1 2 3 6

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