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Translation of Network Admin: Malay

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Users deleted. Pengguna dipadam. Details
Users deleted.

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Users removed from spam. Pengguna dikeluarkan dari spam. Details
Users removed from spam.

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Users marked as spam. Para pengguna ditanda sebagai spam. Details
Users marked as spam.

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You can make an existing user an additional super admin by going to the Edit User profile page and checking the box to grant that privilege. Anda boleh membuat seseorang pengguna sedia ada sebagai pentadbir super tambahan dengan melawat ke halaman profail Sunting Pengguna dan menanda kota untuk memberi keistimewaan tersebut. Details
You can make an existing user an additional super admin by going to the Edit User profile page and checking the box to grant that privilege.

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The bulk action will permanently delete selected users, or mark/unmark those selected as spam. Spam users will have posts removed and will be unable to sign up again with the same email addresses. Aksi pukal akan memadam para pengguna yang dipilih secara kekal, atau menanda/menyahnanda pilihan sebagai spam. Para pengguna spam akan dikeluarkan kiriman-kiriman mereka dan tidak akan dapat mendaftar semula dengan alamat emel yang sama. Details
The bulk action will permanently delete selected users, or mark/unmark those selected as spam. Spam users will have posts removed and will be unable to sign up again with the same email addresses.

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You can sort the table by clicking on any of the table headings and switch between list and excerpt views by using the icons above the users list. Anda boleh mengisih jadual dengan mengklik pada mana-mana tajuk jadual dan beralih antara paparan senarai dan petikan dengan menggunakan ikon-ikon di atas senarai pengguna. Details
You can sort the table by clicking on any of the table headings and switch between list and excerpt views by using the icons above the users list.

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You can also go to the user’s profile page by clicking on the individual username. Anda juga boleh melawat ke halaman profail pengguna berkenaan dengan mengklik pada nama pengguna individu. Details
You can also go to the user’s profile page by clicking on the individual username.

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Hover over any user on the list to make the edit links appear. The Edit link on the left will take you to their Edit User profile page; the Edit link on the right by any site name goes to an Edit Site screen for that site. Legar pada mana-mana pengguna di senarai agar pautan suntingan kelihatan. Pautan Sunting di sebelah kiri akan membawa anda ke laman profail Sunting Pengguna bagi para pengguna tersebut; pautan Sunting di sebelah kanan bagi apa-apa nama laman akan pergi ke skrin Sunting Laman bagi laman tersebut. Details
Hover over any user on the list to make the edit links appear. The Edit link on the left will take you to their Edit User profile page; the Edit link on the right by any site name goes to an Edit Site screen for that site.

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This table shows all users across the network and the sites to which they are assigned. Jadual ini menunjukkan semua pengguna di keseluruhan rangkaian dan laman-laman dimana mereka ditetapkan. Details
This table shows all users across the network and the sites to which they are assigned.

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Warning! User cannot be modified. The user %s is a network administrator. Amaran! Pengguna tidak boleh diubahsuai. Pengguna %s adalah pentadbir rangkaian. Details
Warning! User cannot be modified. The user %s is a network administrator.

%s: User login.


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Cannot add user. Tidak dapat menambah pengguna. Details
Cannot add user.

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Cannot create an empty user. Tidak dapat mewujudkan pengguna kosong. Details
Cannot create an empty user.

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<a href="">Documentation on Network Users</a> <a href="">Pendokumenan berkenaan Pengguna Rangkaian</a> Details
<a href="">Documentation on Network Users</a>

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Users who are signed up to the network without a site are added as subscribers to the main or primary dashboard site, giving them profile pages to manage their accounts. These users will only see Dashboard and My Sites in the main navigation until a site is created for them. Pengguna yang mendaftar di rangkaian tanpa laman adalah ditambah sebagai pelanggan kepada laman papan pemuka utama atau primer, memberikan mereka halaman profail untuk mengurus akaun mereka. Para pengguna ini hanya akan melihat Papan Pemuka dan Laman Saya dalam navigasi utama sehingga suatu laman diwujudkan untuk mereka. Details
Users who are signed up to the network without a site are added as subscribers to the main or primary dashboard site, giving them profile pages to manage their accounts. These users will only see Dashboard and My Sites in the main navigation until a site is created for them.

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Add User will set up a new user account on the network and send that person an email with username and password. Tambah Pengguna akan menetapkan akaun pengguna baharu pada rangkaian dan menghantar emel yang mengandungi nama pengguna dan kata laluan kepada orang tersebut. Details
Add User will set up a new user account on the network and send that person an email with username and password.

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