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Translation of 5.2.x: Malay

1 2
Prio Original string Translation
Y/m/d Y/m/d Details
+ Create New Menu + Cipta Menu Baru Details
+ Create New Menu

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Create a menu for this location Cipta menu untuk lokasi ini Details
Create a menu for this location

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Take over Ambil alih Details
Take over

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Go back Kembali semula Details
Sorry, you are not allowed to take over. Maaf anda tidak dibenarkan untuk mengambil alih Details
Sorry, you are not allowed to take over.

You have to log in to edit this translation. Details

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No themes found. Try a different search. Tiada tema dijumpai. Cuba carian lain. Details
No themes found. Try a different search.

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← Back to Categories ← Kembali ke Kategori Details
← Back to Categories

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Gallery Galeri Details
No images selected Tiada imej dipilih Details
No images selected

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post action/button label
Jadual Details

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Edit Gallery
label for button in the gallery widget; should not be longer than ~13 characters long
Sunting Galeri Details
Edit Gallery
Context label for button in the gallery widget; should not be longer than ~13 characters long

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Site Name: %s Nama Laman: %s Details
Site Name: %s

%s: site name


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Updating Mengemas kini Details

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2

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