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Translation of Administration: Vietnamese

Prio Original string Translation
Media attachment moved to the trash. Tập tin đính kèm đã được chuyển vào Thùng rác. Details
Media attachment moved to the trash.

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  • Singular:
    %d media attachment restored from the trash.
  • Plural:
    %d media attachments restored from the trash.
Đã khôi phục %d tập tin đính kèm đa phương tiện từ thùng rác. Details
Singular: %d media attachment restored from the trash.
Plural: %d media attachments restored from the trash.

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  • Singular:
    %d media attachment permanently deleted.
  • Plural:
    %d media attachments permanently deleted.
Đã xóa vĩnh viễn %d tập tin đa phương tiện đính kèm. Details
Singular: %d media attachment permanently deleted.
Plural: %d media attachments permanently deleted.

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Add Themes Thêm giao diện Details
Add Themes

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Settings saved. Đã lưu mọi cài đặt. Details
Settings saved.

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Search Engine Visibility Tương tác với công cụ tìm kiếm Details
Search Engine Visibility

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Discourage search engines from indexing this site Ngăn chặn các công cụ tìm kiếm đánh chỉ mục website này Details
Discourage search engines from indexing this site

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  • Singular:
    %s comment restored from the Trash
  • Plural:
    %s comments restored from the Trash
Đã khôi phục %s bình luận từ Thùng rác Details
Singular: %s comment restored from the Trash
Plural: %s comments restored from the Trash

%s: number of comments restored from the Trash


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What’s New Có gì mới Details
What’s New

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