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Translation of Twenty Twenty-Two: Asturian

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Built on a solidly designed foundation, Twenty Twenty-Two embraces the idea that everyone deserves a truly unique website. The theme’s subtle styles are inspired by the diversity and versatility of birds: its typography is lightweight yet strong, its color palette is drawn from nature, and its layout elements sit gently on the page. The true richness of Twenty Twenty-Two lies in its opportunity for customization. The theme is built to take advantage of the Site Editor features introduced in WordPress 5.9, which means that colors, typography, and the layout of every single page on your site can be customized to suit your vision. It also includes dozens of block patterns, opening the door to a wide range of professionally designed layouts in just a few clicks. Whether you’re building a single-page website, a blog, a business website, or a portfolio, Twenty Twenty-Two will help you create a site that is uniquely yours.
Priority: high
Fechu partiendo d'una base de diseñu sólido, Venti Ventidós garra la idea de que toos merecemos una web única. Los diseños sutiles del estilu inspiraos na diversidá y capacidá d'adautación de los páxaros: la fonte ye llixera, al tiempu que fuerte, la paleta de colores basada na naturaleza y los elementos de diseñu afítense suavemente na páxina. La riqueza verdadera de Venti Ventidós ta nes posibilidaes de personalización. L'estilu diseñóse p'aprovechar les carauterístiques d'edición completes en tol sitiu introducíes con WordPress 5.9, quier dicir que los colores, les fontes y l'esquema de cualesquier páxina simple del sitiu pueden personalizase acordies a la to visión. Inclui tamién docenes de patrones de bloques, abriendo la puerta a una bayura de diseños profesionales calcando unes poques veces col mur. Si tas faciendo sitiu d'una sola páxina, un blogue, el sitiu d'un negociu o una tarxeta de presentación, Venti Ventidós ayudárate cola xera de facer un sitiu únicamente tuyu. Details
Built on a solidly designed foundation, Twenty Twenty-Two embraces the idea that everyone deserves a truly unique website. The theme’s subtle styles are inspired by the diversity and versatility of birds: its typography is lightweight yet strong, its color palette is drawn from nature, and its layout elements sit gently on the page. The true richness of Twenty Twenty-Two lies in its opportunity for customization. The theme is built to take advantage of the Site Editor features introduced in WordPress 5.9, which means that colors, typography, and the layout of every single page on your site can be customized to suit your vision. It also includes dozens of block patterns, opening the door to a wide range of professionally designed layouts in just a few clicks. Whether you’re building a single-page website, a blog, a business website, or a portfolio, Twenty Twenty-Two will help you create a site that is uniquely yours.

Description of the theme


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Twenty Twenty-Two
Priority: high
Venti Ventidós Details
Twenty Twenty-Two

Theme Name of the theme


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Default filter
Duotone name
Peñera predeterminada Details
Default filter
Context Duotone name

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Font family name
Inter Details
Context Font family name

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Style variation name
Suizu Details
Context Style variation name

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IBM Plex Mono
Font family name
IBM Plex Mono Details
IBM Plex Mono
Context Font family name

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IBM Plex Sans
Font family name
IBM Plex Sans Details
IBM Plex Sans
Context Font family name

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Style variation name
Rosa Details
Context Style variation name

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DM Sans
Font family name
DM Sans Details
DM Sans
Context Font family name

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Style variation name
Azul Details
Context Style variation name

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Search Guetar Details

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Guetar Details
Context label

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Template part name
Pie de páxina Details
Context Template part name

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Header (Dark, small)
Template part name
Cabecera (Escura, pequeña) Details
Header (Dark, small)
Context Template part name

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Header (Dark, large)
Template part name
Cabecera (Escura, grande) Details
Header (Dark, large)
Context Template part name

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Changes requested
With warnings
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