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Translation of Silvia: Spanish (Spain)

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Silvia is a light, bright and beautiful photography WordPress theme. It’s ideal for website focused on photography, graphic design, fashion, art, architecture, interior design, and other creative fields! Key features are responsive, retina support, fast load and SEO friendly with markup. The theme options are powered by easy-to-use Customizer, allows you to modify various options including colors, typography, layout, etc. It also smoothly integrated with Jetpack and Polylang plugin. Demo:
Priority: high
Silvia es un tema claro, brillante y hermoso de fotografía para WordPress. Es ideal para webs enfocadas en la fotografía, diseño gráfico, moda, arte, arquitectura, diseño de interiores, ¡y otros campos creativos! Sus características principales son: adaptable, soporte para Retina, carga rápida y SEO amigable con el marcado de Las opciones del tema están potenciadas por el personalizador, fácil de usar, que te permite modificar varias opciones incluyendo colores, tipografía, diseño, etc. También se integra sin problemas con el plugin Jetpack y Polylang. Demostración: Details
Silvia is a light, bright and beautiful photography WordPress theme. It’s ideal for website focused on photography, graphic design, fashion, art, architecture, interior design, and other creative fields! Key features are responsive, retina support, fast load and SEO friendly with markup. The theme options are powered by easy-to-use Customizer, allows you to modify various options including colors, typography, layout, etc. It also smoothly integrated with Jetpack and Polylang plugin. Demo:

Description of the theme

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Priority: high
Silvia Details

Theme Name of the theme

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  • Singular:
    %1$s Comment to “%2$s”
  • Plural:
    %1$s Comments to “%2$s”
comments title
  • Singular:
    %1$s comentario en «%2$s»
  • Plural:
    %1$s comentarios en «%2$s»
Singular: %1$s Comment to “%2$s”
Plural: %1$s Comments to “%2$s”
Context comments title

1: number of comments, 2: post title


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One Comment to “%s”
comments title
Un comentario en «%s» Details
One Comment to “%s”
Context comments title

%s: post title


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Activate MailOptin Now! ¡Activar MailOptin ahora! Details
Activate MailOptin Now!

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Install MailOptin Now for Free! ¡Instala MailOptin ahora gratis! Details
Install MailOptin Now for Free!

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Free optin form plugin that will %1$sincrease your email list subscribers%2$s and keep them engaged with %1$sautomated and schedule newsletters%2$s. Plugin gratuito de formulario de suscripción que %1$saumentará tus suscriptores%2$s y los mantendrá comprometidos con %1$sboletines programados y automatizados%2$s. Details
Free optin form plugin that will %1$sincrease your email list subscribers%2$s and keep them engaged with %1$sautomated and schedule newsletters%2$s.

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This panel is used for customizing the Silvia theme. Este panel se usa para personalizar el tema Silvia. Details
This panel is used for customizing the Silvia theme.

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Theme Options Opciones del tema Details
Theme Options

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This panel is used for customizing the design of your site. Este panel se usa para personalizar el diseño de tu sitio. Details
This panel is used for customizing the design of your site.

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Design Diseño Details

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VK VK Details

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Instagram Instagram Details

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Dribbble Dribbble Details

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Linkedin LinkedIn Details

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