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Translation of Crio: English (Australia)

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Prio Original string Translation
Priority: high
Crio Details

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Widgets Widgets Details
Choose the Footer Background Choose the Footer Background Details
Choose the Footer Background

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Menu Design Menu Design Details
Menu Design

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The colors chosen here are used across your entire website, changing one will update that color everywhere it’s used. The last position is the %2$sSite Background%1$s, but you can change it to an image or video. These colors are also used for the %3$sHeader Background%1$s and %4$sFooter Background%1$s. The colours chosen here are used across your entire website, changing one will update that colour everywhere it’s used. The last position is the %2$sSite Background%1$s, but you can change it to an image or video. These colours are also used for the %3$sHeader Background%1$s and %4$sFooter Background%1$s. Details
The colors chosen here are used across your entire website, changing one will update that color everywhere it’s used. The last position is the %2$sSite Background%1$s, but you can change it to an image or video. These colors are also used for the %3$sHeader Background%1$s and %4$sFooter Background%1$s.

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Change the Site Background Change the Site Background Details
Tip - Changing Colors Tip - Changing Colours Details
Tip - Changing Colors

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Footer Background Footer Background Details
Site Background Site Background Details
Choose Your Color Palette Choose Your Colour Palette Details
Choose Your Color Palette

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Tip - Changing Backgrounds Tip - Changing Backgrounds Details
Working with Widgets Working with Widgets Details
Working with Widgets

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Change the Header Background Change the Header Background Details
How do I add or remove a menu from my header? How do I add or remove a menu from my header? Details
How do I add or remove a menu from my header?

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Tip - Show / Hide Branding Elements Tip - Show / Hide Branding Elements Details
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