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Translation of Colorway: Spanish (Spain)

Prio Original string Translation
%1$s at %2$s %1$s a las %2$s Details
%1$s at %2$s

1: date, 2: time


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Get Started with Colorway

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<b>You Can Customize Your Widget Area By Following These Steps</b><br/><br/><ul><li>Go To Dashboard->Appearance->Widget.</li><br/><li> Place your desired Widgets under the Footer Widget Areas (First, Second, Third, etc.) they will appear on the footer of your site. </li><br/><li> If you want to hide the footer widget contents then, just place a Blank Text Widget under Footer Widget Areas. </li><br/><li> You can also refer this tutorial link: <a href='' target='_blank'>How To Use Widgets In Wordpress</a></li><br/><br/> Allows you to turn on and off Footer Area Widgets for Colorway Theme. <b>Puedes personalizar tu área de widgets siguiendo estos pasos</b><br/><br/><ul><li>Ve al Escritorio->Apariencia->Widgets.</li><br/><li>Coloca los widgets que quieras debajo de las áreas de widgets del pie de página (primero, segundo, tercero, etc.) y aparecerán en el pie de página de tu sitio.</li><br/><li>Si quieres ocultar los contenidos del widget del pie de página, coloca un widget de texto vacío debajo de las áreas del widget del pie de página.</li><br/><li>También puedes seguir el tutorial de este enlace: <a href='' target='_blank'>Cómo usar los widgets en WordPress</a></li><br/><br/>Te permite activar y desactivar los widgets del área del pie de página para el tema ColorWay. Details
<b>You Can Customize Your Widget Area By Following These Steps</b><br/><br/><ul><li>Go To Dashboard->Appearance->Widget.</li><br/><li> Place your desired Widgets under the Footer Widget Areas (First, Second, Third, etc.) they will appear on the footer of your site. </li><br/><li> If you want to hide the footer widget contents then, just place a Blank Text Widget under Footer Widget Areas. </li><br/><li> You can also refer this tutorial link: <a href='' target='_blank'>How To Use Widgets In Wordpress</a></li><br/><br/> Allows you to turn on and off Footer Area Widgets for Colorway Theme.

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