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Translation of Colorway: Spanish (Spain)

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Prio Original string Translation
Priority: high
ColorWay Details

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Read More Button Hover Border Color Color del borde del botón Leer más al pasar el cursor Details
Read More Button Hover Border Color

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out of 5 sobre 5 Details
out of 5

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Excerpt Length Longitud del extracto Details
Excerpt Length

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Excerpt Length Setting Ajuste de longitud del extracto Details
Excerpt Length Setting

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Enter your Excerpt length Introduce la longitud del extracto Details
Enter your Excerpt length

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<br><i>Allows you to Configure the excerpt length</i> <br><i>Te permite configurar la longitud del extracto</i> Details
<br><i>Allows you to Configure the excerpt length</i>

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Read More Button Custom Text Texto personalizado del botón Leer más Details
Read More Button Custom Text

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Sticky Menu Link Color Color de los enlaces del menú fijo Details
Sticky Menu Link Color

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Read More Button Color and Settings Color y ajustes del botón Leer más Details
Read More Button Color and Settings

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Button Hover Background Color Color de fondo de los botones al pasar el cursor Details
Button Hover Background Color

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Button Hover Text Color Color de texto de los botones al pasar el cursor Details
Button Hover Text Color

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Allows you to set Font Family For Read More Button. Te permite establecer la familia tipográfica del botón Leer más. Details
Allows you to set Font Family For Read More Button.

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Read More Button Font Family Familia tipográfica del botón Leer más Details
Read More Button Font Family

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Read More Button Font Weight Grosor de fuente del botón Leer más Details
Read More Button Font Weight

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