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Translation of Stable (latest release): Portuguese (Brazil)

1 2 3 5
Prio Original string Translation
Select pages on which you want to use the roadmap Selecione as páginas onde você quer usar o roadmap Details
Select pages on which you want to use the roadmap

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Select Pages Selecione as páginas Details
Select Pages

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Suggestion Sugestão Details

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Settings Configurações Details

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Board Quadro Details

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Set Active Tab Definir aba ativa Details
Set Active Tab

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Leave empty if you dont want show in the frontend Deixe em branco se não quiser que apareça na página Details
Leave empty if you dont want show in the frontend

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Close Fechar Details

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Upvote Votar Details

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Created Date Data de Criação Details
Created Date

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Feedback Feedback Details

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Feedback Detail Detalhes do feedback Details
Feedback Detail

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Save Status Salvar Status Details
Save Status

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Select Color Selecionar cor Details
Select Color

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Manage Status Gerenciar Status Details
Manage Status

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2 3 5

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