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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Catalan

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Get actionable feedback on using inclusive vocabulary to enhance your writing and make it accessible to a broader audience. (Note: This feature is currently available in English and beta.) Obtingueu comentaris útils sobre l'ús de vocabulari complex per millorar la vostra escriptura i fer-la accessible a un públic més ampli. (Nota: Aquesta funció està disponible actualment en anglès i en versió beta.) Details
Get actionable feedback on using inclusive vocabulary to enhance your writing and make it accessible to a broader audience. (Note: This feature is currently available in English and beta.)

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Get internal linking suggestions in real-time. The WordPress SEO plugin enhances your article's depth and authority by recommending related posts to link to. Obtingueu suggeriments d'enllaçament intern en temps real. El Yoast SEO Premium millora la profunditat i l'autoritat de l'article recomanant publicacions relacionades a les quals enllaçar. Details
Get internal linking suggestions in real-time. The WordPress SEO plugin enhances your article's depth and authority by recommending related posts to link to.

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Seamlessly handle URL changes or page deletions with our redirect manager. Automatically create redirects to prevent "404: page not found" errors and retain valuable traffic and backlinks. Gestioneu sense problemes els canvis d'URL o les eliminacions de pàgines amb el gestor de redireccions del Yoast SEO Premium. Creeu redireccions automàticament per evitar errors de "404: pàgina no trobada" i conservar el trànsit i els enllaços de retrocés valuosos. Details
Seamlessly handle URL changes or page deletions with our redirect manager. Automatically create redirects to prevent "404: page not found" errors and retain valuable traffic and backlinks.

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<strong>Structure your website's content easily</strong> using Yoast SEO's cornerstone content features, enabling search engines to understand and index your most important pages effectively. <strong>Organitzeu el vostre lloc web fàcilment</strong> amb les funcionalitats de contingut principal de Yoast SEO, permetent que els motors de cerca entenguin i indexin les vostres pàgines més importants de manera efectiva. Details
<strong>Structure your website's content easily</strong> using Yoast SEO's cornerstone content features, enabling search engines to understand and index your most important pages effectively.

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<strong>Significantly improves your website's loading times</strong>, courtesy of our innovative data management techniques tailored for WordPress. <strong>Millora significativament els temps de càrrega del lloc web</strong>, gràcies a les tècniques innovadores de gestió de dades de Yoast SEO adaptades a WordPress. Details
<strong>Significantly improves your website's loading times</strong>, courtesy of our innovative data management techniques tailored for WordPress.

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Are you already using another SEO plugin? Transitioning from other plugins to Yoast SEO is a breeze. We've designed it to be seamless, ensuring you don't lose critical data. Ja feu servir un altre extensió SEO? No us preocupeu! La transició d'altres extensiós a Yoast SEO és molt senzilla. L'hem dissenyat perquè sigui perfectament integrat, assegurant que no perdeu dades importants. Details
Are you already using another SEO plugin? Transitioning from other plugins to Yoast SEO is a breeze. We've designed it to be seamless, ensuring you don't lose critical data.

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Release date: 2024-07-23
Priority: low
Data de llançament: 2024-01-25 Details
Release date: 2024-07-23

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