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Translation of Stable (latest release): French (France)

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Prio Original string Translation
Next Alert Alerte suivante Details
Next Alert

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Previous Alert Alerte précédente Details
Previous Alert

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Next Month Mois suivant Details
Next Month

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Next Week Semaine suivante Details
Next Week

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Tomorrow Demain Details

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Store Activity Activité de la boutique Details
Store Activity

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unread activity activité non lue Details
unread activity

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%d in stock %d en stock Details
%d in stock

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Update stock Mettre à jour le stock Details
Update stock

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Manage all orders Gérer toutes les commandes Details
Manage all orders

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Inbox Boîte de réception Details
Your inbox is empty Votre boîte de réception est vide Details
Your inbox is empty

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I'm setting up a store for a client Je configure une boutique pour un client Details
I'm setting up a store for a client

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Mobile app Appli mobile Details
Mobile app

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Please select a country / region Veuillez choisir un pays/région Details
Please select a country / region

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Changes requested
With warnings
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