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Translation of Development (trunk): Vietnamese

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Review could not be updated. Không thể cập nhật đánh giá. Details
Review could not be updated.

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Very difficult Rất khó Details
Very difficult

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Marketing & Merchandising Tiếp thị & Bán hàng Details
Marketing & Merchandising

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{{orderLink}}Order #%(orderNumber)s{{/orderLink}} %(customerString)s {{orderLink}}Đơn hàng #%(orderNumber)s{{/orderLink}} %(customerString)s Details
{{orderLink}}Order #%(orderNumber)s{{/orderLink}} %(customerString)s

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To do's, tips, and insights for your business Việc cần làm, mẹo và thông tin chi tiết cho doanh nghiệp của bạn Details
To do's, tips, and insights for your business

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Bao gồm Details

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Select variation Chọn biến thể Details
Back Quay lại Details
Display options Tùy chọn hiển thị Details
Display options

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Two columns Hai cột Details
Two columns

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Check at least two products below to compare Chọn tối thiểu 2 sản phẩm bên dưới để so sánh Details
Check at least two products below to compare

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Check at least two items below to compare Chọn tối thiểu 2 mục bên dưới để so sánh Details
Check at least two items below to compare

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Week of %B %-d, %Y Tuần thứ %B %-d, %Y Details
Week of %B %-d, %Y

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