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Translation of Development (trunk): French (France)

1 2
Prio Original string Translation
block keyword
texte enrichi Details
Product textarea block
block title
Bloc de zone de texte du produit Details
Product textarea block

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%1$s %2$d
order dates dropdown
%1$s %2$d Details
%1$s %2$d
Context order dates dropdown

1: Month name, 2: 4-digit year.


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String processors must be an array of valid callbacks. Les transformateurs de chaînes doivent être un tableau de fonctions de rappel valide. Details
String processors must be an array of valid callbacks.

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How many employees do you have? Combien d’employés avez vous ? Details
How many employees do you have?

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It's just me Ce n’est que moi Details
It's just me

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Dismiss all Ignorer tout Details
Yes, dismiss all Oui, ignorer tout Details
Yes, dismiss all

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Mini-Cart Contents Contenu du mini panier Details
Mini-Cart Contents

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Shop country/region Pays/région de la boutique Details
Shop country/region

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Eway Eway Details
Tax class slug is invalid L’identifiant de la classe de taxe n’est pas valide Details
Tax class slug is invalid

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Messages could not be dismissed Les messages n’ont pas pu être ignorés. Details
Messages could not be dismissed

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Select customer email Sélectionner l’adresse e-mail du client ou de la cliente Details
Select customer email

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2

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