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Translation of Development (trunk): Spanish (Spain)

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Prio Original string Translation
Display the Thumbnails of a product.
block description
Mostrar las miniaturas de un producto. Details
Display the Thumbnails of a product.

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block title
Miniaturas Details
Clicking on the large image will open a full-screen gallery experience. Si haces clic en la imagen grande, se abrirá una galería a pantalla completa. Details
Clicking on the large image will open a full-screen gallery experience.

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Full-screen when clicked Pantalla completa al pulsar Details
Full-screen when clicked

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While hovering the large image will zoom in by 30%. Al pasar el ratón por encima de la imagen grande, ésta se ampliará un 30%. Details
While hovering the large image will zoom in by 30%.

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Zoom while hovering Zoom al pasar el ratón Details
Zoom while hovering

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Images will be cropped to fit within a square space. Las imágenes se recortarán para que quepan en un espacio cuadrado. Details
Images will be cropped to fit within a square space.

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Crop images to fit Recortar imágenes para ajustarlas Details
Crop images to fit

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Media Settings Ajustes de medios Details
Media Settings

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Number of Thumbnails Número de miniaturas Details
Number of Thumbnails

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Off Desactivado Details
Thumbnails Miniaturas Details

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A strip of small images will appear to the right of the main gallery image. Aparecerá una tira de imágenes pequeñas a la derecha de la imagen principal de la galería. Details
A strip of small images will appear to the right of the main gallery image.

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A strip of small images will appear below the main gallery image. Aparecerá una tira de imágenes pequeñas debajo de la imagen principal de la galería. Details
A strip of small images will appear below the main gallery image.

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A strip of small images will appear to the left of the main gallery image. Aparecerá una tira de imágenes pequeñas a la izquierda de la imagen principal de la galería. Details
A strip of small images will appear to the left of the main gallery image.

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