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Translation of Stable (latest release): Spanish (Spain)

Prio Original string Translation
Short init Inicio corto Details
Short init

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Assign this group of referrers to a specific theme. Selecting "Pass-through" allows any plugin(s) (e.g. referrer plugins) to properly handle requests for these referrers. If the "redirect users to" field is not empty, this setting is ignored. Asigna este grupo de referencias a un tema específico. La selección de "Pass-through" permite que cualquier complemento (por ejemplo, plugins de referencia) maneje adecuadamente las solicitudes de estos referentes. Si el campo "redirigir usuarios a" no está vacío, esta configuración se ignora. Details
Assign this group of referrers to a specific theme. Selecting "Pass-through" allows any plugin(s) (e.g. referrer plugins) to properly handle requests for these referrers. If the "redirect users to" field is not empty, this setting is ignored.

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