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Translation of Development Readme (trunk): French (France)

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Extend LearnDash with a variety of useful modules that make it even easier to build great learner experiences with LearnDash.
Priority: high
Étendez LearnDash avec une variété de fonctions utiles qui facilitent encore plus la création d’expériences d’apprentissage exceptionnelles avec LearnDash. Details
Extend LearnDash with a variety of useful modules that make it even easier to build great learner experiences with LearnDash.

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<strong><a href="">Quiz completion advances to next step</a></strong>: Automatically advance to the next course step when a user clicks "Click here to continue" on quiz results page inside a lesson or topic. <strong><a href="">L’achèvement du quiz permet de passer à l’étape suivante</a></strong> : Passer automatiquement à l’étape suivante lorsque l’utilisateur ou utilisatrice clique sur « Cliquer ici pour continuer » sur la page du quiz final d’une leçon ou d’un sujet. Details
<strong><a href="">Quiz completion advances to next step</a></strong>: Automatically advance to the next course step when a user clicks "Click here to continue" on quiz results page inside a lesson or topic.

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<strong><a href="">LearnDash Groups in User Profiles</a></strong>: Display a user's LearnDash Group memberships in the user profile. <strong><a href="">Groupes LearnDash dans les profils d’utilisateurs et d’utilisatrices</a></strong> : Identifiez facilement l’appartenance à un groupe LearnDash à partir des pages de profil des utilisateurs et des utilisatrices. Details
<strong><a href="">LearnDash Groups in User Profiles</a></strong>: Display a user's LearnDash Group memberships in the user profile.

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<strong><a href="">LearnDash Certificate Widget</a></strong>: Display all LearnDash certificates earned by a user in a widget. <strong><a href="">Widget de certificat LearnDash</a></strong> : Affichez tous les certificats qu’un apprenant a obtenus à l’aide d’un widget. Details
<strong><a href="">LearnDash Certificate Widget</a></strong>: Display all LearnDash certificates earned by a user in a widget.

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<strong><a href="">LearnDash Breadcrumbs</a></strong>: Easily add breadcrumb links that work with courses, lessons, topics and quizzes using a shortcode or template change. <strong><a href="">Le fil d’Ariane de LearnDash</a></strong> : Ajoutez des liens de fil d’Ariane qui prennent en charge les cours, les leçons, les sujets et les quiz. Prend également en charge WooCommerce, les types de publications personnalisées et plus encore. Details
<strong><a href="">LearnDash Breadcrumbs</a></strong>: Easily add breadcrumb links that work with courses, lessons, topics and quizzes using a shortcode or template change.

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<strong><a href="">Topics Autocomplete Lessons (Legacy)</a></strong>: Automatically marks lessons as completed when all topics and quizzes for that lesson are marked complete. <strong><a href="">Autocomplétion des sujets et des leçons</a></strong> : Marquer automatiquement les leçons comme étant complètes lorsque toutes les rubriques et tous les questionnaires de cette leçon sont marqués comme étant complets. Details
<strong><a href="">Topics Autocomplete Lessons (Legacy)</a></strong>: Automatically marks lessons as completed when all topics and quizzes for that lesson are marked complete.

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<strong><a href="">Menu Item Visibility</a></strong>: Toggle the visibility of menu items based on whether or not users are signed in to the site. <strong><a href="">Visibilité des éléments de menu</a></strong> : Contrôlez la visibilité des entrées de menu en fonction du fait que l’utilisateur ou utilisatrice est connecté ou non. Details
<strong><a href="">Menu Item Visibility</a></strong>: Toggle the visibility of menu items based on whether or not users are signed in to the site.

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<strong><a href="">Hide Admin Bar</a></strong>: Hide the Admin Bar at the top of WordPress pages based on user role. <strong><a href="">Masquez la barre d’administration</a></strong> : Masquez la barre d’administration de WordPress pour des rôles d’utilisateur ou utilisatrice spécifiques. Details
<strong><a href="">Hide Admin Bar</a></strong>: Hide the Admin Bar at the top of WordPress pages based on user role.

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<strong><a href="">Uncanny Codes</a></strong>: An easier way to get your learners into LearnDash groups, courses, and more. Generate codes that can be used by learners to self-enrol into LearnDash groups and courses when they register, make a purchase, or are simply signed in. <strong><a href="">Codes Uncanny pour LearnDash</a></strong> : Un moyen plus facile de faire entrer vos apprenants dans les groupes ou les cours LearnDash. Générez des codes que les apprenants peuvent utiliser pour s’inscrire eux-mêmes à des groupes et des cours LearnDash lorsqu’ils s’inscrivent, effectuent un achat ou sont simplement connectés. Details
<strong><a href="">Uncanny Codes</a></strong>: An easier way to get your learners into LearnDash groups, courses, and more. Generate codes that can be used by learners to self-enrol into LearnDash groups and courses when they register, make a purchase, or are simply signed in.

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<strong><a href="">Uncanny Groups for LearnDash</a></strong>: Make it easy for your customers and member organizations to manage their learners in the front end, track and manage their progress, and buy buy groups with B2B sales tools. <strong><a href="">Groupes Uncanny pour LearnDash</a></strong> : Facilitez la tâche de vos clients et de vos organisations membres en leur permettant de gérer leurs apprenants dans l’interface publique, de suivre leurs progrès grâce à des rapports puissants et d’acheter des cours et des licences de cours. Details
<strong><a href="">Uncanny Groups for LearnDash</a></strong>: Make it easy for your customers and member organizations to manage their learners in the front end, track and manage their progress, and buy buy groups with B2B sales tools.

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Ensure that your installation of WordPress is using PHP 7.4 or higher and LearnDash 4.2 or higher. Assurez-vous que votre installation de WordPress utilise PHP 7.0 ou supérieure et LearnDash 3.3 ou supérieure. Details
Ensure that your installation of WordPress is using PHP 7.4 or higher and LearnDash 4.2 or higher.

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The <a href="">Pro version of the Uncanny Toolkit</a> adds a continuously expanding list of powerful features (currently 35) to the Toolkit. These include: La <a href="">version Pro de the Uncanny Toolkit</a> ajoute une liste sans cesse croissante de fonctionnalités puissantes (27 au dernier décompte !) à la boîte à outils. Celles-ci comprennent : Details
The <a href="">Pro version of the Uncanny Toolkit</a> adds a continuously expanding list of powerful features (currently 35) to the Toolkit. These include:

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<strong><a href="">Tin Canny Reporting for LearnDash</a></strong>: Add support for your SCORM and Tin Can modules inside WordPress as well as powerful drill-down LearnDash course and quiz reports. <strong><a href="">Tin Canny Reporting for LearnDash</a></strong> : Ajoutez la prise en charge de vos modules SCORM et Tin Can à l’intérieur de WordPress ainsi que de puissants rapports LearnDash de type descendant. Details
<strong><a href="">Tin Canny Reporting for LearnDash</a></strong>: Add support for your SCORM and Tin Can modules inside WordPress as well as powerful drill-down LearnDash course and quiz reports.

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<strong>Important: This plugin requires PHP 7.4 or higher and LearnDash 4.2 or higher.</strong> <strong>Important : Cette extension nécessite PHP 7.0 ou supérieur et LearnDash 3.3 ou supérieur.</strong> Details
<strong>Important: This plugin requires PHP 7.4 or higher and LearnDash 4.2 or higher.</strong>

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