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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Korean

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Membership & community plugin with user profiles, registration & login, member directories, content restriction, user roles and much more.
Priority: high
사용자 프로필, 등록 및 로그인, 회원 디렉터리, 콘텐츠 제한, 사용자 역할 등이 포함된 멤버십 및 커뮤니티 플러그인입니다. Details
Membership & community plugin with user profiles, registration & login, member directories, content restriction, user roles and much more.

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Ultimate Member – User Profile, Registration, Login, Member Directory, Content Restriction & Membership Plugin
Priority: high
얼티밋 멤버 - 사용자 프로필, 등록, 로그인, 멤버 디렉토리, 콘텐츠 제한 및 멤버 자격 플러그인 Details
Ultimate Member – User Profile, Registration, Login, Member Directory, Content Restriction & Membership Plugin

Plugin name.

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<a href="">Stripe</a> - Sell paid memberships to access your website via Stripe subscriptions <a href="">Stripe</a> - Stripe 구독을 통해 웹사이트에 액세스할 수 있는 유료 멤버십을 판매합니다. Details
<a href="">Stripe</a> - Sell paid memberships to access your website via Stripe subscriptions

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No specific extensions are needed. But we highly recommended keep active these PHP modules: <code>mbstring</code>, <code>json</code>, <code>dom</code>, <code>exif</code>, <code>gd</code>, <code>fileinfo</code>, <code>curl</code>, <code>iconv</code>. wp-admin &gt; Tools &gt; Site Health page has a summary about your installation and required modules. All major extensions are listed <a href="">here</a>. 특정 확장 프로그램은 ��요하지 않습니다. 하지만 다음 PHP 모듈을 활성화하는 것이 좋습니다: <code>mbstring</code>, <code>json</code>, <code>dom</code>, <code>exif</code>, <code>gd</code>, <code>fileinfo</code>, <code>curl</code>, <code>iconv</code>. wp-admin; 도구; 사이트 상태 페이지에는 설치 및 필수 모듈에 대한 요약이 나와 있습니다. 모든 주요 확장 프로그램은 <a href="">여기</a>에 나열되어 있습니다. Details
No specific extensions are needed. But we highly recommended keep active these PHP modules: <code>mbstring</code>, <code>json</code>, <code>dom</code>, <code>exif</code>, <code>gd</code>, <code>fileinfo</code>, <code>curl</code>, <code>iconv</code>. wp-admin &gt; Tools &gt; Site Health page has a summary about your installation and required modules. All major extensions are listed <a href="">here</a>.

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Are additional PHP modules necessary for the plugin to work correctly? 플러그인이 올바르게 작동하려면 추가 PHP 모듈이 필요하나요? Details
Are additional PHP modules necessary for the plugin to work correctly?

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If you are a developer and you need to know the list of UM Hooks, make this via our <a href="">Hooks Documentation</a> or <a href="">Hooks Documentation v2</a>. 개발자로서 UM Hook 목록을 알아야 하는 경우 <a href="">훅 문서</a> 또는 <a href="">훅 문서 v2</a>를 통해 확인하시기 바랍니다. Details
If you are a developer and you need to know the list of UM Hooks, make this via our <a href="">Hooks Documentation</a> or <a href="">Hooks Documentation v2</a>.

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No, you do not need to use our plugin’s login or registration pages and can use another plugin or the default WordPress methods for user registration and login. 아니요, 플러그인의 로그인 또는 등록 페이지를 사용할 필요가 없으며 사용자 등록 및 로그인을 위해 다른 플러그인 또는 기본 WordPress 방법을 사용할 수 있습니다. Details
No, you do not need to use our plugin’s login or registration pages and can use another plugin or the default WordPress methods for user registration and login.

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The plugin does not restrict access to the wp-login.php page when active, so that our plugin does not interfere with the existing functionality of a website or other plugins that may utilise the default login page. If you wish to restrict access to the wp-login.php page you can use a plugin such as <a href="">WPS Hide Login</a> or another plugin that removes the ability to login via wp-login.php. 플러그인은 활성 상태일 때 wp-login.php 페이지에 대한 액세스를 제한하지 않으므로 당사 플러그인이 기본 로그인 페이지를 사용할 수 있는 웹사이트 또는 기타 플러그인의 기존 기능을 방해하지 않습니다. wp-login.php 페이지에 대한 액세스를 제한하려면 <a href="">WPS 로그인 숨기기</a>와 같은 플러그인을 사용할 수 있습니다. 또는 wp-login.php를 통한 로그인 기능을 제거하는 다른 플러그인. Details
The plugin does not restrict access to the wp-login.php page when active, so that our plugin does not interfere with the existing functionality of a website or other plugins that may utilise the default login page. If you wish to restrict access to the wp-login.php page you can use a plugin such as <a href="">WPS Hide Login</a> or another plugin that removes the ability to login via wp-login.php.

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Are Ultimate Member Login/Registration pages required? 얼티밋 멤버 로그인/등록 페이지가 필요합��까? Details
Are Ultimate Member Login/Registration pages required?

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Does Ultimate Member restrict access to wp-login.php when the plugin is active? 얼티밋 멤버는 플러그인이 활성화되어 있을 때 wp-login.php에 대한 액세스를 제한합니까? Details
Does Ultimate Member restrict access to wp-login.php when the plugin is active?

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<a href="">User Notes</a> - Allow users to create public and private notes from their profile <a href="">사용자 메모</a> - 사용자가 자신의 프로필에서 공개 및 비공개 메모를 만들 수 있도록 허용 Details
<a href="">User Notes</a> - Allow users to create public and private notes from their profile

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<a href="">JobsBoardWP</a> - This free extension integrates Ultimate Member with the job board plugin <a href="">JobBoardWP</a>. <a href="">JobsBoardWP</a> - 이 무료 확장 프로그램은 얼티밋 멤버를 구인 게시판 플러그인 <a href="">JobBoardWP</a>와 통합합니다. Details
<a href="">JobsBoardWP</a> - This free extension integrates Ultimate Member with the job board plugin <a href="">JobBoardWP</a>.

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<a href="">JobBoardWP</a> is a job board plugin which adds a modern job board to your website. Display job listings and allow employers to submit and manage jobs all from the front-end. <a href="">JobBoardWP</a>는 웹사이트에 최신 구인 게시판을 추가하는 구인 게시판 플러그인입니다. 작업 목록을 표시하고 고용주가 프런트 엔드에서 모든 작업을 제출하고 관리할 수 있도록 합니다. Details
<a href="">JobBoardWP</a> is a job board plugin which adds a modern job board to your website. Display job listings and allow employers to submit and manage jobs all from the front-end.

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<a href="">ForumWP</a> is a forum plugin which adds an online forum to your website, allowing users to create topics and write replies. Forums are a great way to build and grow an online community. <a href="">ForumWP</a>는 웹사이트에 온라인 포럼을 추가하여 사용자가 주제를 만들고 답글을 작성할 수 있는 포럼 플러그인입니다. 포럼은 온라인 커뮤니티를 구축하고 성장시키는 좋은 방법입니다. Details
<a href="">ForumWP</a> is a forum plugin which adds an online forum to your website, allowing users to create topics and write replies. Forums are a great way to build and grow an online community.

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In addition to Ultimate Member, we also have two other plugins: <a href="">ForumWP</a> and <a href="">JobBoardWP</a>. 얼티밋 멤버 외에도 <a href="">ForumWP</a> 및 <a href="">JobBoardWP</a>의 두 가지 다른 플러그인도 있습니다. Details
In addition to Ultimate Member, we also have two other plugins: <a href="">ForumWP</a> and <a href="">JobBoardWP</a>.

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