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Translation of Stable (latest release): Catalan

Prio Original string Translation
eg. %s p. ex. %s Details
eg. %s

Example auth code.


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If you are the owner of this account, please check your email for instructions on regaining access. Si sou el propietari d'aquest compte, comproveu el correu electrònic per a obtenir instruccions sobre com recuperar l'accés. Details
If you are the owner of this account, please check your email for instructions on regaining access.

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There have been too many failed two-factor authentication attempts, which often indicates that the password has been compromised. The password has been reset in order to protect the account. Hi ha hagut massa intents fallits d'autenticació de dos factors, el que sovint indica que la contrasenya ha estat compromesa. S'ha reinicialitzat la contrasenya per a protegir el compte. Details
There have been too many failed two-factor authentication attempts, which often indicates that the password has been compromised. The password has been reset in order to protect the account.

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ERROR: Too many invalid verification codes, you can try again in %s. This limit protects your account against automated attacks. ERROR: massa codis de verificació no vàlids, proveu-ho de nou a %s. Aquest límit protegeix el compte contra atacs automatitzats. Details
ERROR: Too many invalid verification codes, you can try again in %s. This limit protects your account against automated attacks.

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Your password was reset because of too many failed Two Factor attempts. You will need to <a href="%s">create a new password</a> to regain access. Please check your email for more information. S'ha reinicialitzat la contrasenya a causa de massa intents fallits del Two Factor. Cal que <a href="%s">creeu una contrasenya nova</a> per a recuperar l'accés. Comproveu el correu electrònic per a més informació. Details
Your password was reset because of too many failed Two Factor attempts. You will need to <a href="%s">create a new password</a> to regain access. Please check your email for more information.

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  • Singular:
    WARNING: Your account has attempted to login without providing a valid two factor token. The last failed login occured %2$s ago. If this wasn't you, you should reset your password.
  • Plural:
    WARNING: Your account has attempted to login %1$s times without providing a valid two factor token. The last failed login occured %2$s ago. If this wasn't you, you should reset your password.
  • Singular:
    AVÍS: el vostre compte ha intentat iniciar sessió sense proporcionar un testimoni vàlid de dos factors. L'últim inici de sessió fallit va ocórrer fa %2$s. Si no éreu vosaltres, hauríeu de reinicialitzar la contrasenya.
  • Plural:
    AVÍS: El vostre compte ha intentat iniciar sessió %1$s vegades sense proporcionar un testimoni vàlid de dos factors. L'últim inici de sessió fallit va ocórrer fa %2$s. Si no éreu vosaltres, hauríeu de reinicialitzar la contrasenya.
Singular: WARNING: Your account has attempted to login without providing a valid two factor token. The last failed login occured %2$s ago. If this wasn't you, you should reset your password.
Plural: WARNING: Your account has attempted to login %1$s times without providing a valid two factor token. The last failed login occured %2$s ago. If this wasn't you, you should reset your password.

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With warnings

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