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Translation of Development (trunk): Indonesian

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Prio Original string Translation
Clear Image Optimizer Cache You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Clear Image Optimizer Cache

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Could not purge image optimizer cache. Please try again later and ensure your license key is activated! You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Could not purge image optimizer cache. Please try again later and ensure your license key is activated!

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Image optimizer cache purged successfully! You have to log in to add a translation. Details
Image optimizer cache purged successfully!

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Due to the sensitive nature of Cloudflare API credentials, they will not be included in the exported settings file. Karena sifat sensitif dari kredensial Cloudflare API, kredensial tersebut tidak akan disertakan dalam file pengaturan yang diekspor. Details
Due to the sensitive nature of Cloudflare API credentials, they will not be included in the exported settings file.

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Please note: Tolong dicatat: Details
Please note:

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Adjust the delay between preload requests. If your website is hosted on a slow server, consider increasing the interval between requests. Sesuaikan penundaan antara permintaan pramuat. Jika situs web Anda dihosting di server yang lambat, pertimbangkan untuk menambah interval antar permintaan. Details
Adjust the delay between preload requests. If your website is hosted on a slow server, consider increasing the interval between requests.

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Seconds Detik Details

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Preloader request interval Interval permintaan prapemuat Details
Preloader request interval

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Preloader is currently running. Remaining items: %d (Refresh to see progress) Prapemuat sedang berjalan. Item yang tersisa: %d (Segarkan untuk melihat kemajuan) Details
Preloader is currently running. Remaining items: %d (Refresh to see progress)

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Specify keywords to exclude images or iframes from being lazy loaded. You can use full or partial strings, including the filename, CSS class, or domain. (one per line) Tentukan kata kunci untuk mengecualikan gambar atau iframe agar tidak lambat dimuat. Anda dapat menggunakan string penuh atau sebagian, termasuk nama file, kelas CSS, atau domain. (satu per baris) Details
Specify keywords to exclude images or iframes from being lazy loaded. You can use full or partial strings, including the filename, CSS class, or domain. (one per line)

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Excluded images or iframes Gambar atau iframe yang dikecualikan Details
Excluded images or iframes

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Replace Youtube videos by thumbnail. Ganti video Youtube dengan thumbnail. Details
Replace Youtube videos by thumbnail.

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Enter a delay in milliseconds for auto-loading JavaScript if no user interaction occurs. With a delay above 0, the script loads after the set time or upon any user action, whichever comes first. Enter 0 to disable. (1000ms = 1s) Masukkan penundaan dalam milidetik untuk memuat JavaScript secara otomatis jika tidak terjadi interaksi pengguna. Dengan penundaan di atas 0, skrip dimuat setelah waktu yang ditentukan atau setelah tindakan pengguna apa pun, mana saja yang lebih dulu. Masukkan 0 untuk menonaktifkan. (1000 md = 1 dtk) Details
Enter a delay in milliseconds for auto-loading JavaScript if no user interaction occurs. With a delay above 0, the script loads after the set time or upon any user action, whichever comes first. Enter 0 to disable. (1000ms = 1s)

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Milliseconds Milidetik Details

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Delay Timeout Batas Waktu Penundaan Details
Delay Timeout

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