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Translation of Development (trunk): Spanish (Spain)

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Some of the information below is dynamically generated, such as cookies. If you add or change popups you will see those additions or changes below and will need to update your policy accordingly. Parte de la siguiente información se genera dinámicamente, como las cookies. Si añades o cambias ventanas emergentes verás esas ampliaciones o cambios debajo y, por lo tanto, necesitarás actualizar tu política. Details
Some of the information below is dynamically generated, such as cookies. If you add or change popups you will see those additions or changes below and will need to update your policy accordingly.

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By default Popup Maker caches a single JS & CSS file in your Uploads folder. These files include core, extension & user customized styles & scripts in a single set of files. Por defecto, Popup Maker almacena en caché un único archivo JS y CSS en tu directorio Uploads. Estos archivos incluyen el núcleo, la extensión y los estilos y scripts personalizados del usuario en un único conjunto de archivos. Details
By default Popup Maker caches a single JS & CSS file in your Uploads folder. These files include core, extension & user customized styles & scripts in a single set of files.

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Popup Maker needs to complete a the update of your settings that was previously started. Popup Maker necesita completar la actualización de los ajustes que se inició previamente. Details
Popup Maker needs to complete a the update of your settings that was previously started.

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Note: Requiring consent may not be compliant with GDPR for all situations. Be sure to do your research or check with legal council. Nota: El consentimiento requerido quizá no cumpla con el RGPD para todas las situaciones. Asegúrate de investigar bien o consulta con un experto legal. Details
Note: Requiring consent may not be compliant with GDPR for all situations. Be sure to do your research or check with legal council.

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Cookie used to prevent popup from displaying repeatedly. Cookie utilizada para evitar que la ventana emergente se muestre repetidamente. Details
Cookie used to prevent popup from displaying repeatedly.

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If you submit a subscription form on our site you will be opting in for us to save your name, email address and other relevant information. Si envías un formulario de suscripción desde nuestro sitio, nos estarás dando consentimiento para guardar tu nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y demás información relevante. Details
If you submit a subscription form on our site you will be opting in for us to save your name, email address and other relevant information.

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You can use %1$s%2$s to insert a link to your privacy policy. To customize the link text use %1$s:Link Text%2$s Puedes utilizar %1$s%2$s para insertar un enlace a tu política de privacidad. Para personalizar el texto del enlace utiliza %1$s:texto del enlace%2$s Details
You can use %1$s%2$s to insert a link to your privacy policy. To customize the link text use %1$s:Link Text%2$s

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Consent Field Label Etiqueta del campo de consentimiento Details
Consent Field Label

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Below is a list of all cookies currently registered within your popup settings. These are here for you to disclose if you are so required. A continuación está la lista de todas las cookies registradas actualmente dentro de tus ajustes de ventana emergente. Están aquí para que las menciones si así se requiere. Details
Below is a list of all cookies currently registered within your popup settings. These are here for you to disclose if you are so required.

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This may result in cookies being saved for an extended period of time. These are non-tracking cookies used only by our popups. Esto puede provocar que las cookies se guarden por un periodo de tiempo prolongado. No se tratan de cookies de seguimiento, sino de las utilizadas solo por nuestras ventanas emergentes. Details
This may result in cookies being saved for an extended period of time. These are non-tracking cookies used only by our popups.

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Popup Maker uses cookies for most popups. The primary function is to prevent your users from being annoyed by seeing the same popup repeatedly. Popup Maker utiliza cookies para la mayoría de ventanas emergentes. La función principal es evitar que los usuarios de enfaden al ver la misma ventana emergente repetidamente. Details
Popup Maker uses cookies for most popups. The primary function is to prevent your users from being annoyed by seeing the same popup repeatedly.

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Subscription information was not removed. This may occur when no immediate confirmation is received during our attempt to unsubscribe you from our mailing list. La información de suscripción no se eliminó. Esto puede ocurrir cuando no se recibe una confirmación inmediata durante el intento de cancelar la suscripción de nuestra lista de correo electrónico. Details
Subscription information was not removed. This may occur when no immediate confirmation is received during our attempt to unsubscribe you from our mailing list.

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Subscription information was not removed. A database error may have occurred during deletion. La información de suscripción no se eliminó. Ocurrió un error en la base de datos durante el borrado. Details
Subscription information was not removed. A database error may have occurred during deletion.

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Popup Maker Subscribe Form Formulario de suscripción de Popup Maker Details
Popup Maker Subscribe Form

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If you have extended our subscription forms to send data to a 3rd party service such as Mailchimp, user info may be passed to these external services. These services may be located abroad. Si has ampliado nuestros formularios de suscripción para enviar datos a un servicio de terceros, como Mailchimp, la información del usuario puede ser pasada a esos servicios externos, que pueden estar ubicados en el extranjero. Details
If you have extended our subscription forms to send data to a 3rd party service such as Mailchimp, user info may be passed to these external services. These services may be located abroad.

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