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Translation of Development Readme (trunk): Catalan

Prio Original string Translation
Enhancement: Change the order translations are loaded in to improve backward compatibility.
Priority: low
Millora: Canvi en l'ordre en què es carreguen les traduccions per millorar la compatibilitat cap enrere. Details
Enhancement: Change the order translations are loaded in to improve backward compatibility.

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Fixed: Prevent issue where not all core translations were updated.
Priority: low
Corregit: Evita un problema quan no totes les traduccions del nucli s'actualitzen. Details
Fixed: Prevent issue where not all core translations were updated.

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Fixed: Add hardening when using translation file paths with symlinks.
Priority: low
Corregit: Afegeix resiliència quan s'utilitzen camins de fitxers de traduccions amb enllaços simbòlics. Details
Fixed: Add hardening when using translation file paths with symlinks.

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Enhancement: Remove JSON file support.
Priority: low
Millora: Elimina el suport a fitxers JSON. Details
Enhancement: Remove JSON file support.

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Enhancement: Improved compatibility with Loco Translate to avoid duplicate files.
Priority: low
Millora: Millor compatibilitat amb Loco Translate per evitar la duplicació de fitxers. Details
Enhancement: Improved compatibility with Loco Translate to avoid duplicate files.

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Enhancement: Use WP Filesystem API if available.
Priority: low
Millora: Utilitza l'API WP Filesystem si està disponible. Details
Enhancement: Use WP Filesystem API if available.

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Enhancement: "Import" existing translation file if one is already loaded for a text domain.
Priority: low
Millora: "Importa" fitxers de traducció existents si ja n'hi ha algun carregat per a un domini de text. Details
Enhancement: "Import" existing translation file if one is already loaded for a text domain.

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Enhancement: Use different file extension (<code>.mo.php</code> instead of just <code>.php</code>) to prevent conflicts.
Priority: low
Millora: Utilitza diferents extensions de fiter (<code>.mo.php</code> en lloc de només <code>.php</code>) per prevenir conflictes. Details
Enhancement: Use different file extension (<code>.mo.php</code> instead of just <code>.php</code>) to prevent conflicts.

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Enhancement: Several minor performance improvements.
Priority: low
Millora: Diverses petites millores de rendiment. Details
Enhancement: Several minor performance improvements.

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Enhancement: Enforce network-only activation on Multisite.
Priority: low
Millora: aplica l'activació de nommés xarxa als multilloc. Details
Enhancement: Enforce network-only activation on Multisite.

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