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Translation of Stable (latest release): Japanese

Prio Original string Translation
Show "Profile" Section 「プロフィール」セクションを表示 Details
Show "Profile" Section

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Show "My Memberships" Section 「マイメンバーシップ」セクションを表示 Details
Show "My Memberships" Section

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Below are details about your membership account and a receipt for your initial membership order. A welcome email with a copy of your initial membership order has been sent to %s. 以下は、メンバーシップアカウントと最初のメンバーシップ請求書の領収書の詳細です。最初のメンバーシップ請求書のコピーを含むウェルカムメールが%sに送信されました。 Details
Below are details about your membership account and a receipt for your initial membership order. A welcome email with a copy of your initial membership order has been sent to %s.

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There was an error removing the membership level for user with ID=%d. You will want to check your payment gateway to see if their subscription is still active. ID =%dのユーザーのサブスクリプションのキャンセル中にエラーが発生しました。支払いゲートウェイをチェックして、サブスクリプションがまだアクティブであるかどうかを確認する必要があります。 Details
There was an error removing the membership level for user with ID=%d. You will want to check your payment gateway to see if their subscription is still active.

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Subscription updated. サブスクリプションの更新 Details
Subscription updated.

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Changes requested
With warnings

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