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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Catalan

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Debug information has been added for better support.
Priority: low
S'ha afegit informació sobre depuració per a un millor suport. Details
Debug information has been added for better support.

Found in changelog list item.

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The plugin doesn't trust any IP addresses other than _SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] anymore. Trusting other IP origins make protection useless b/c they can be easily faked. This new version provides a way of secure IP unlocking for those sites that use a reverse proxy coupled with misconfigurated servers that populate _SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] with wrong IPs which leads to mass blocking of users.
Priority: low
L'extensió ja no confia en altres adreces a part de _SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]. Confiar en d'altres adreces d'origen fa les proteccions inútils perquè poden ser falsejades fàcilment. Aquesta nova versió proporciona una forma per desbloquejar IPs per els llocs que fan servir un proxy invers junt amb servidors mal configurats i que omplen _SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] amb adreces incorrectes que provoquen bloqueig massius d'usuaris. Details
The plugin doesn't trust any IP addresses other than _SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] anymore. Trusting other IP origins make protection useless b/c they can be easily faked. This new version provides a way of secure IP unlocking for those sites that use a reverse proxy coupled with misconfigurated servers that populate _SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] with wrong IPs which leads to mass blocking of users.

Found in changelog list item.

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