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Translation of Development (trunk): Chinese (Hong Kong)

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Save every change and get back online quickly with one‑click restores. 儲存所有變更,並使用單鍵還原功能讓網站快速重回上線狀態。 Details
Save every change and get back online quickly with one‑click restores.

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Brute force protection 防護暴力密碼破解攻擊 Details
Brute force protection

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%s Get help unlocking your site %s 取得協助以解鎖你的網站 Details
%s Get help unlocking your site

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%s Back %s 返回 Details
%s Back

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Send email 傳送電子郵件 Details
Send email

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Your email 你的電子郵件 Details
Your email

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<p>Your IP address <code>%2$s</code> has been flagged for potential security violations. You can unlock your login by sending yourself a special link via email. <a href="%3$s">Learn More</a></p> <p>你的 IP 位址 <code>%2$s</code> 已標幟為可能違反安全性規範。你可以透過電子郵件傳送特殊連結給自己,以解鎖登入。<a href="%3$s">瞭解更多</a></p> Details
<p>Your IP address <code>%2$s</code> has been flagged for potential security violations. You can unlock your login by sending yourself a special link via email. <a href="%3$s">Learn More</a></p>

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Oops, we were unable to send a recovery email. Try again. 糟糕,我們無法傳送還原電子郵件。請再試一次。 Details
Oops, we were unable to send a recovery email. Try again.

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Recovery instructions were sent to %s. Check your inbox! 還原指示已傳送至 %s。檢查你的收件匣! Details
Recovery instructions were sent to %s. Check your inbox!

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Oops, we couldn't find a user with that email. Please try again! 糟糕,我們找不到擁有該電子郵件的使用者。請再試一次! Details
Oops, we couldn't find a user with that email. Please try again!

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Oops, we couldn't validate the recovery token. 糟糕,我們無法驗證還原權杖。 Details
Oops, we couldn't validate the recovery token.

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Jetpack has locked your site's login page. Jetpack Protect 已鎖定你的網站登入頁面。 Details
Jetpack has locked your site's login page.

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Oops, looks like that's not the right email address. Please try again! 糟糕,電子郵件地址似乎不正確。請再試一次! Details
Oops, looks like that's not the right email address. Please try again!

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You successfully logged out. 你已成功登出。 Details
You successfully logged out.

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