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Translation of Development (trunk): Korean

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Your site has been successfully connected. 사이트가 성공적으로 연결되었습니다. Details
Your site has been successfully connected.

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Connecting… 연결 중... Details

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Missing site connection 누락된 사이트 연결 Details
Missing site connection

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Connect your site 사이트 연결 Details
Connect your site

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Missing user connection 누락된 사용자 연결 Details
Missing user connection

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Reconnecting Jetpack… 젯팩 다시 연결하기... Details
Reconnecting Jetpack…

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See documentation 문서 보기 Details
See documentation

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Your installation of %1$s is incomplete. If you installed %1$s from GitHub, please refer to the developer documentation to set up your development environment. %1$s 설치가 완료되지 않았습니다. GitHub에서 %1$s을 설치했다면 개발자 설명서를 참조하여 개발 환경을 설정하세요. Details
Your installation of %1$s is incomplete. If you installed %1$s from GitHub, please refer to the developer documentation to set up your development environment.

%s is the name of the plugin that has a bad installation.


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Share your feedback! 피드백을 공유하세요! Details
Share your feedback!

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Help us improving the accuracy of our results and feel free to give us ideas for future implementations and improvements. 결과의 정확성을 개선하고 향후 구현 및 개선에 대한 아이디어를 자유롭게 제공해 주세요. Details
Help us improving the accuracy of our results and feel free to give us ideas for future implementations and improvements.

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Do you have any feedback? 피드백이 있으신가요? Details
Do you have any feedback?

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Get instant feedback on your post before publishing. AI will read your post and highlight opportunities to improve your publication. 게시하기 전에 글에 대한 즉각적인 피드백을 받아보세요. AI가 게시물을 읽고 게시물을 개선할 수 있는 기회를 강조해 줍니다. Details
Get instant feedback on your post before publishing. AI will read your post and highlight opportunities to improve your publication.

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Learn about forms 양식에 대해 알아보기 Details
Learn about forms

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Quickly build forms using the Jetpack Forms block and AI. Use prompts to describe your form and AI will generate the elements in a few seconds. 젯팩 양식 블록과 AI를 사용하여 빠르게 양식을 작성하세요. 프롬프트에 따라 양식을 설명하면 AI가 몇 초 안에 요소를 생성합니다. Details
Quickly build forms using the Jetpack Forms block and AI. Use prompts to describe your form and AI will generate the elements in a few seconds.

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Learn about featured images 추천 이미지에 대해 알아보기 Details
Learn about featured images

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