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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Welsh

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The Gutenberg plugin adds editing, customization, and site building to WordPress. Use it to test beta features before their official release.
Priority: high
Mae'r ayegyn Gutenberg yn ychwanegu golygu, cyfaddasu ac adeiladu gwefannau i WordPress. Gallwch ei ddefnyddio i brofi nodweddion cyn eu defnydd swyddogol. Details
The Gutenberg plugin adds editing, customization, and site building to WordPress. Use it to test beta features before their official release.

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Priority: high
Gutenberg Details

Plugin name.

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To report a security issue, please visit the <a href="">WordPress HackerOne</a> program. I adrodd ar fater diogelwch, ewch i raglen <a href="">WordPress HackerOne</a>. Details
To report a security issue, please visit the <a href="">WordPress HackerOne</a> program.

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The Gutenberg team and WordPress community take security bugs seriously. We appreciate your efforts to responsibly disclose your findings, and will make every effort to acknowledge your contributions. Mae tîm Gutenberg a chymuned WordPress yn cymryd gwallau diogelwch o ddifrif. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi eich ymdrechion i ddatgelu eich canfyddiadau'n gyfrifol a byddwn yn gwneud pob ymdrech i gydnabod eich cyfraniadau. Details
The Gutenberg team and WordPress community take security bugs seriously. We appreciate your efforts to responsibly disclose your findings, and will make every effort to acknowledge your contributions.

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Where can I report security bugs? Lle ga i adrodd ar wallau diogelwch? Details
Where can I report security bugs?

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But if you want cutting edge beta features, including more experimental items, you will need to use the plugin. You can <a href="">read more here</a> to help decide whether the plugin is right for you. Ond os ydych chi eisiau nodweddion beta blaengar, gan gynnwys mwy o eitemau arbrofol, bydd angen i chi ddefnyddio'r ategyn. Gallwch <a href="">ddarllen rhagor yma</a> i helpu i benderfynu a yw'r ategyn yn iawn i chi. Details
But if you want cutting edge beta features, including more experimental items, you will need to use the plugin. You can <a href="">read more here</a> to help decide whether the plugin is right for you.

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Not necessarily. Each version of WordPress after 5.0 has included features from the Gutenberg plugin, which are known collectively as the <a href="">WordPress Editor</a>. You are likely already benefitting from stable features! Ddim o reidrwydd. Mae pob fersiwn o WordPress ar ôl 5.0 wedi cynnwys nodweddion o ategyn Gutenberg, sydd, gyda'i gilydd yn cael eu galw yn <a href="">Golygydd WordPress</a>. Mae'n debyg eich bod eisoes yn elwa o'r nodweddion sefydlog! Details
Not necessarily. Each version of WordPress after 5.0 has included features from the Gutenberg plugin, which are known collectively as the <a href="">WordPress Editor</a>. You are likely already benefitting from stable features!

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While we try to triage issues reported here on the plugin forum, you’ll get a faster response (and reduce duplication of effort) by keeping feedback centralized in GitHub. Er ein bod yn ceisio brysbennu materion sy'n cael eu hadrodd yma ar y fforwm ategyn, fe gewch ymateb cyflymach (a lleihau dyblygu ymdrech) trwy gadw adborth yn ganolog i GitHub. Details
While we try to triage issues reported here on the plugin forum, you’ll get a faster response (and reduce duplication of effort) by keeping feedback centralized in GitHub.

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The best place to report bugs, feature suggestions, or any other feedback is at <a href="">the Gutenberg GitHub issues page</a>. Before submitting a new issue, please search the existing issues to check if someone else has reported the same feedback. Y lle gorau i adrodd ar wallau, awgrymiadau nodwedd, neu unrhyw adborth arall yw <a href="">tudalen materion Gutenberg GitHub</a>. Cyn cyflwyno mater newydd, chwiliwch y materion presennol i weld os oes unrhyw un arall wedi adrodd yr un adborth. Details
The best place to report bugs, feature suggestions, or any other feedback is at <a href="">the Gutenberg GitHub issues page</a>. Before submitting a new issue, please search the existing issues to check if someone else has reported the same feedback.

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For the adventurous and tech-savvy, the Gutenberg plugin gives you the latest and greatest feature set, so you can join us in testing and developing bleeding-edge features, playing around with blocks, and maybe <a href="">get inspired to contribute</a> or <a href="">build your own blocks</a>. Ar gyfer yr anturus a'r dechnoleg ddeallus, mae ategyn Gutenberg yn rhoi'r set nodwedd ddiweddaraf a gorau i chi, fel y gallwch chi ymuno â ni i brofi a datblygu nodweddion ymyl gwaedu, chwarae o gwmpas gyda blociau, ac efallai <a href="">cael eich ysbrydoli i gyfrannu</a> neu <a href="">adeiladu'ch blociau eich hun.</a> . Details
For the adventurous and tech-savvy, the Gutenberg plugin gives you the latest and greatest feature set, so you can join us in testing and developing bleeding-edge features, playing around with blocks, and maybe <a href="">get inspired to contribute</a> or <a href="">build your own blocks</a>.

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Are you a tech-savvy early adopter who likes testing bleeding-edge and experimental features, and isn’t afraid to tinker with features that are still in active development? If so, this beta plugin gives you access to the latest Gutenberg features for block and full site editing, as well as a peek into what’s to come. A ydych chi'n fabwysiadwr cynnar â thechnolegol ddeallus sy'n hoffi profi nodweddion blaengar a nodweddion arbrofol, ac nad yw'n ofni tincian â nodweddion sy'n dal i gael eu datblygu? Os felly, mae'r ategyn beta hwn yn rhoi mynediad i chi i'r nodweddion Gutenberg diweddaraf ar gyfer golygu bloc a gwefan lawn, yn ogystal â chipolwg ar yr hyn sydd i ddod. Details
Are you a tech-savvy early adopter who likes testing bleeding-edge and experimental features, and isn’t afraid to tinker with features that are still in active development? If so, this beta plugin gives you access to the latest Gutenberg features for block and full site editing, as well as a peek into what’s to come.

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We’re always hard at work refining the experience, creating more and better blocks, and laying the groundwork for future phases of work. Each WordPress release includes stable features from the Gutenberg plugin, so you don’t need to install the plugin to benefit from the work being done here. Rydyn ni bob amser yn gweithio'n galed yn mireinio'r profiad, yn creu mwy a gwell blociau, ac yn gosod y sylfaen ar gyfer cyfnodau gwaith y dyfodol. Mae pob datganiad WordPress yn cynnwys nodweddion sefydlog o ategyn Gutenberg, felly nid oes angen i chi osod yr ategyn i elwa o'r gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud yma. Details
We’re always hard at work refining the experience, creating more and better blocks, and laying the groundwork for future phases of work. Each WordPress release includes stable features from the Gutenberg plugin, so you don’t need to install the plugin to benefit from the work being done here.

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Each piece of content in the editor, from a paragraph to an image gallery to a headline, is its own block. And just like physical blocks, WordPress blocks can be added, arranged, and rearranged, allowing users to create media-rich content and site layouts in a visually intuitive way — and without workarounds like shortcodes or custom HTML and PHP. Mae pob darn o gynnwys yn y golygydd, o baragraff i oriel ddelweddau i bennawd, yn floc ei hun. Ac yn union fel blociau corfforol, mae modd ychwanegu, trefnu ac aildrefnu blociau WordPress, gan ganiatáu i ddefnyddwyr greu cynnwys cyfoethog o gyfryngau a chynlluniau gwefannau mewn ffordd weledol reddfol - a heb atebion fel codau byr neu HTML a PHP arferol. Details
Each piece of content in the editor, from a paragraph to an image gallery to a headline, is its own block. And just like physical blocks, WordPress blocks can be added, arranged, and rearranged, allowing users to create media-rich content and site layouts in a visually intuitive way — and without workarounds like shortcodes or custom HTML and PHP.

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Gutenberg is WordPress's “block editor”, and introduces a modular approach to modifying your entire site. Edit individual content blocks on posts or pages. Add and adjust widgets. Even design your site headers, footers, and navigation with full site editing support. Gutenberg yw “golygydd bloc” WordPress, ac mae’n cyflwyno dull modiwlaidd o addasu eich gwefan gyfan. Golygu blociau cynnwys unigol ar gofnodion neu dudalennau. Ychwanegwch ac addasu teclynnau. Hyd yn oed dyluniwch benawdau, troedynnau a llywio eich gwefan gyda chefnogaeth lawn i olygu'r wefan. Details
Gutenberg is WordPress's “block editor”, and introduces a modular approach to modifying your entire site. Edit individual content blocks on posts or pages. Add and adjust widgets. Even design your site headers, footers, and navigation with full site editing support.

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Following the introduction of post block editing in December 2018, Gutenberg later introduced full site editing (FSE) in 2021, <a href="">which shipped with WordPress 5.9 in early 2022</a>. Yn dilyn cyflwyno golygu bloc cofnod ym mis Rhagfyr 2018, cyflwynodd Gutenberg olygu gwefan lawn (FSE) yn ddiweddarach yn 2021, <a href="">a ddaeth gyda WordPress 5.9 yn gynnar yn 2022</a> . Details
Following the introduction of post block editing in December 2018, Gutenberg later introduced full site editing (FSE) in 2021, <a href="">which shipped with WordPress 5.9 in early 2022</a>.

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