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Translation of Stable (latest release): Spanish (Spain)

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Display form page names on the PDF. Requires the use of the %1$sPage Break field%2$s. Muestra los nombres de página del formulario en el PDF. Necesita el uso del campo %1$sSalto de página%2$s. Details
Display form page names on the PDF. Requires the use of the %1$sPage Break field%2$s.

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This operation deletes ALL Gravity PDF settings and deactivates the plugin. If you continue, all settings, configuration, custom templates and fonts will be removed. Esta operación borra TODOS los ajustes de Gravity PDF y desactiva el plugin. Si continúas, se eliminarán todos los ajustes, configuración, plantillas personalizadas y fuentes. Details
This operation deletes ALL Gravity PDF settings and deactivates the plugin. If you continue, all settings, configuration, custom templates and fonts will be removed.

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Delete font Borrar la fuente Details
Delete font

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Select font Seleccionar la fuente Details
Select font

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We recommend you use our %1$sgfpdf_tmp_location%2$s filter to %3$smove the folder outside your public website directory%4$s. Recomendamos que uses nuestro filtro %1$sgfpdf_tmp_location%2$s para %3$smover la carpeta fuera del directorio público de la web%4$s. Details
We recommend you use our %1$sgfpdf_tmp_location%2$s filter to %3$smove the folder outside your public website directory%4$s.

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We've detected the PDFs saved in Gravity PDF's %1$stmp%2$s directory can be publicly accessed. Hemos detectado que a los archivos PDF guardados en el directorio %1$stmp%2$s de Gravity PDF se pueden acceder públicamente. Details
We've detected the PDFs saved in Gravity PDF's %1$stmp%2$s directory can be publicly accessed.

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We strongly recommend you have at least 128MB of available WP Memory (RAM) assigned to your website. %1$sFind out how to increase this limit%2$s. Recomendamos encarecidamente que tengas al menos 128 MB de memoria WP (RAM) disponible asignada a tu web. %1$sDescubre cómo aumentar este límite%2$s. Details
We strongly recommend you have at least 128MB of available WP Memory (RAM) assigned to your website. %1$sFind out how to increase this limit%2$s.

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Support hours are 9:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday, %1$sSydney Australia time%2$s (public holidays excluded). El horario de soporte es de 09:00-17:00, de lunes a viernes, %1$shorario de Sydney en Australia%2$s (vacaciones públicas excluidas). Details
Support hours are 9:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday, %1$sSydney Australia time%2$s (public holidays excluded).

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PDF saved successfully. %1$sBack to PDF list.%2$s PDF guardado correctamente. %1$sVuelve a la lista de PDF.%2$s Details
PDF saved successfully. %1$sBack to PDF list.%2$s

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This form doesn't have any PDFs. Let's go %1$screate one%2$s. Este formulario no tiene ningún PDF. Vamos a %1$s crear uno%2$s Details
This form doesn't have any PDFs. Let's go %1$screate one%2$s.

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The PDF Template %1$s requires Gravity PDF version %2$s. Upgrade to the latest version. La plantilla PDF %1$s necesita la versión %2$s de Gravity PDF. Actualiza a la última versión. Details
The PDF Template %1$s requires Gravity PDF version %2$s. Upgrade to the latest version.

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The header is included at the top of each page. For simple columns %1$stry this HTML table snippet%2$s. La cabecera está incluida en la parte superior de cada página. Para columnas sencillas %1$sprueba este snippet de tablas HTML%2$s. Details
The header is included at the top of each page. For simple columns %1$stry this HTML table snippet%2$s.

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Password protect generated PDFs, and/or restrict user capabilities. Protege con contraseña los archivos PDF generados y/o restringe las capacidades por usuario. Details
Password protect generated PDFs, and/or restrict user capabilities.

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Template Plantilla Details
Installed Fonts Fuentes instaladas Details
Installed Fonts

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