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Translation of Stable (latest release): Spanish (Spain)

1 2 3 9
Prio Original string Translation
Apply Sorting Aplicar el orden Details
Apply Sorting

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Apply Filters Aplicar los filtros Details
Apply Filters

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With plural Con plural Details
With plural

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Select all Seleccionar todo Details
Select all

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Both Originals and Translations Originales y traducciones Details
Both Originals and Translations

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References only Solo con referencias Details
References only

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Translations only Solo traducciones Details
Translations only

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Case-sensitive search Búsqueda sensible a mayúsculas y minúsculas Details
Case-sensitive search

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Search Term: Término de búsqueda: Details
Search Term:

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Search: Buscar: Details

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The list of translation sets will be mirrored with the sets of a project you choose. Usually this is one of the parent projects. La lista de conjuntos de traducción se duplicará con los conjuntos de un proyecto que elijas. Normalmente, es uno de los proyectos principales. Details
The list of translation sets will be mirrored with the sets of a project you choose. Usually this is one of the parent projects.

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Here you can mass-create translation sets in this project. Aquí puedes crear conjuntos de traducción en masa para este proyecto. Details
Here you can mass-create translation sets in this project.

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Type tag project name here Escribe aquí el nombre de la etiqueta del proyecto Details
Type tag project name here

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Project / Stats Proyecto / Estadísticas Details
Project / Stats

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Single Status
anterior Details
Context Single Status

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2 3 9

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