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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Japanese

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Formidable Forms - Contact Form Plugin, Survey, Quiz, Payment, Calculator Form & Custom Form Builder
Priority: high
Formidable Forms - お問い合わせフォームプラグイン、アンケート、クイズ、支払い、計算フォーム & カスタムフォームビルダー Details
Formidable Forms - Contact Form Plugin, Survey, Quiz, Payment, Calculator Form & Custom Form Builder

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The most advanced WordPress forms plugin. Go beyond contact forms with our drag and drop form builder for surveys, quizzes, and more.
Priority: high
最も先進的な WordPress フォームプラグインで、お問い合わせフォームだけでなく、アンケートやクイズなどのフォームをドラッグ &ドロップで作成できます。 Details
The most advanced WordPress forms plugin. Go beyond contact forms with our drag and drop form builder for surveys, quizzes, and more.

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<strong>Intelligent <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">Calculator Forms</a></strong>: From mortgage calculators to auto loan calculators and date calculator forms, Formidable offers dynamic solutions for instant quotes and price estimates. <strong>インテリジェントな<a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">計算フォーム</a></strong>: 住宅ローン計算や自動車ローン計算、日付計算フォームなど、Formidable は即座に見積もりや価格見積もりができるダイナミックなソリューションを提供します。 Details
<strong>Intelligent <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">Calculator Forms</a></strong>: From mortgage calculators to auto loan calculators and date calculator forms, Formidable offers dynamic solutions for instant quotes and price estimates.

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This online form and quiz builder plugin is created by Steve and Steph Wells and the amazing Strategy11 Team with <a href="">Syed Balkhi</a> as an Advisor. このオンラインフォームとクイズビルダープラグインは、Steve Wells と Steph Wells、そして <a href="">Syed Balkhi</a> をアドバイザーとする素晴らしい Strategy11チームによって作成されました。 Details
This online form and quiz builder plugin is created by Steve and Steph Wells and the amazing Strategy11 Team with <a href="">Syed Balkhi</a> as an Advisor.

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<a href="">How to Build an Instant Quote Form</a> <a href="">インスタント見積もりフォームの作成方法</a> Details
<a href="">How to Build an Instant Quote Form</a>

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Formidable Forms is an awesome professional form builder. There is much to like about Formidable Forms. From the drag and drop interface to the many developer hooks for creating your own custom features, this tool suits the needs for absolute beginners to the most advanced developer and everyone in between. Victor Font (Digital Business Strategist) Formidable Forms は素晴らしいプロフェッショナルフォームビルダーです。Formidable Forms の魅力はたくさんあります。ドラッグ & ドロップのインターフェースから、独自のカスタム機能を作成するための多くの開発者用フックまで、このツールは全くの初心者から最先端の開発者、そしてその中間のすべての人のニーズに適しています。 Victor Font 氏 (デジタルビジネス戦略家) Details
Formidable Forms is an awesome professional form builder. There is much to like about Formidable Forms. From the drag and drop interface to the many developer hooks for creating your own custom features, this tool suits the needs for absolute beginners to the most advanced developer and everyone in between. Victor Font (Digital Business Strategist)

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<a href="">Watch the video overview for the Formidable form, calculator, and quiz builder</a> <a href="">Formidable フォーム、計算、クイズビルダーの概要を動画でご覧ください。</a> Details
<a href="">Watch the video overview for the Formidable form, calculator, and quiz builder</a>

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<strong>Engagement Tools</strong>: Boost interaction with star ratings, password fields with strength meters, and conditional logic. <strong>エンゲージメントツール</strong>: スター評価、強度メーター付きパスワードフィールド、条件付きロジックでインタラクションを強化します。 Details
<strong>Engagement Tools</strong>: Boost interaction with star ratings, password fields with strength meters, and conditional logic.

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Introducing sophisticated payment forms, donation forms, and other credit card forms is fast with integrations with leading payment services like PayPal, Stripe, and A custom WooCommerce form with custom fields is straightforward, ensuring your eCommerce solutions are as versatile as they are powerful. PayPal、Stripe、 などの主要な決済サービスとの統合により、洗練された決済フォーム、寄付フォーム、その他のクレジットカードフォームを迅速に導入できます。カスタムフィールドのある WooCommerce のカスタムフォームは直感的で、パワフルで多様な eコマースソリューションを実現できます。 Details
Introducing sophisticated payment forms, donation forms, and other credit card forms is fast with integrations with leading payment services like PayPal, Stripe, and A custom WooCommerce form with custom fields is straightforward, ensuring your eCommerce solutions are as versatile as they are powerful.

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Star Rating 星評価 Details
Star Rating

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Discover why Formidable Pro is hailed as the most advanced WordPress form plugin available. To access these powerful features and more, <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">upgrade to Pro</a> today and redefine what you can achieve with WordPress forms. Formidable Pro が最も先進的な WordPress フォームプラグインとして評価されている理由をご覧ください。今すぐ <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">Pro にアップグレード</a>して、このような強力な機能にアクセスし、WordPress フォームで実現できることを見直しましょう。 Details
Discover why Formidable Pro is hailed as the most advanced WordPress form plugin available. To access these powerful features and more, <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">upgrade to Pro</a> today and redefine what you can achieve with WordPress forms.

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Formidable Pro isn't just a form builder; it's a gateway to optimizing websites with comprehensive integrations. Here's how you can supercharge WordPress forms: Formidable Pro は単にフォームビルダーとしてではなく、包括的な統合によりサイトを最適化するゲートウェイとして活用できます。以下の方法で WordPress フォームをさらに強化することができます。 Details
Formidable Pro isn't just a form builder; it's a gateway to optimizing websites with comprehensive integrations. Here's how you can supercharge WordPress forms:

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Unleash the full potential of your WordPress site by upgrading to <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">Formidable Pro</a>, the ultimate tool for creating smart forms and full web applications. スマートなフォームと総合的なウェブアプリケーションを作成するための究極のツール <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">Formidable Pro</a> にアップグレードして、WordPress サイトの可能性を最大限に引き出しましょう。 Details
Unleash the full potential of your WordPress site by upgrading to <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">Formidable Pro</a>, the ultimate tool for creating smart forms and full web applications.

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Formidable Pro stands as a developer's dream, offering unmatched flexibility and power to create, extend, and customize forms. Whether you're building simple forms or complex data-driven applications, Formidable provides all the tools and features you need to defy limits and elevate your WordPress site. Formidable Pro は開発者向けの夢のようなツールで、フォームの作成、拡張、カスタマイズにおいて並ぶもののない柔軟性とパワーを提供します。シンプルなフォームでもデータに基づいた複雑なアプリケーションでも、Formidable は WordPress サイトの限界に挑戦し、向上させるために必要なすべてのツールと機能を提供します。 Details
Formidable Pro stands as a developer's dream, offering unmatched flexibility and power to create, extend, and customize forms. Whether you're building simple forms or complex data-driven applications, Formidable provides all the tools and features you need to defy limits and elevate your WordPress site.

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