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Translation of Development (trunk): Japanese

1 2 3 11
Prio Original string Translation
Add-Ons アドオン Details
Avatar アバター Details

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Display Name 表示名 Details
Display Name

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First Name Details
Last Name Details
License Key ライセンスキー Details
License Key

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Normal 通常 Details

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  • Singular:
    %s item
  • Plural:
    %s items
%s個の項目 Details
Singular: %s item
Plural: %s items

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Apply 適用 Details

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Bulk Actions 一括操作 Details
Bulk Actions

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Current Page 現在のページ Details
Current Page

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Excerpt View 抜粋表示 Details
Excerpt View

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First page 最初の固定ページ Details
First page

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Install インストール Details
Last page 最後のページ Details
Last page

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2 3 11

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