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Translation of Stable (latest release): Japanese

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Prio Original string Translation
WP User Role WordPress ユーザー権限 Details
WP User Role

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Handled could not be found. ハンドルが見つかりません。 Details
Handled could not be found.

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Activity Logs アクティビティログ Details
Activity Logs

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How many contacts clicked at least one of the links in the email メール内のリンクの少なくとも 1 つをクリックした連絡先の数 Details
How many contacts clicked at least one of the links in the email

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Unsubscribe (%d) 購読解除 (%d) Details
Unsubscribe (%d)

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Click Rate (%d) クリック率 (%d) Details
Click Rate (%d)

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Open Rate (%d) 開封率 (%d) Details
Open Rate (%d)

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Looks like we could not determine your info. Please fill up the form and get your email subscription form link via email. あなたの情報を特定できなかったようです。 フォームに記入し、メールでメール購読フォームのリンクを取得してください。 Details
Looks like we could not determine your info. Please fill up the form and get your email subscription form link via email.

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Get Email Subscription Management Link メール購読管理リンクを取得 Details
Get Email Subscription Management Link

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Request Manage Subscription サブスクリプション管理のリクエスト Details
Request Manage Subscription

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Email field is required メールフィールドは必須です Details
Email field is required

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Delete API Key API キーを削除 Details
Delete API Key

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Note: Once deleted, the API key cannot be recovered. 注: API キーは削除すると復元できません。 Details
Note: Once deleted, the API key cannot be recovered.

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Are you sure you want to delete the api key? API キーを削除してもよろしいですか ? Details
Are you sure you want to delete the api key?

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Are you sure? All of the Fluent CRM email will be sent from 本気ですか ? すべての Fluent CRM メールは次から送信されます Details
Are you sure? All of the Fluent CRM email will be sent from

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