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Translation of Stable Readme (latest release): Japanese

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Dokan - Powerful WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution - Build Your Own Amazon, eBay, Etsy
Priority: high
Dokan - 最高の WooCommerce マルチベンダーマーケットプレイスソリューション - 独自の Amazon、eBay、Etsy を構築 Details
Dokan - Powerful WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace Solution - Build Your Own Amazon, eBay, Etsy

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🏆 <a href="">How to create a Multi-Vendor Marketplace for WordPress using Dokan</a> 🏆 <a href="">Dokan を使用して WordPress のマルチベンダーマーケットプレイスを作成する方法</a> Details
🏆 <a href="">How to create a Multi-Vendor Marketplace for WordPress using Dokan</a>

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👉 <strong>Confused about how to get started?</strong> Read our blogs from <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">weDevs</a> and <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan</a> 👉 <strong>どのように始めればよいか混乱していますか?</strong> 以下のブログをお読みください。<a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">weDevs</a>および <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan</a> Details
👉 <strong>Confused about how to get started?</strong> Read our blogs from <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">weDevs</a> and <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan</a>

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👉 <strong>Learn More About Dokan (PRO):</strong> <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">All The Features of Dokan</a> 👉 <strong>Dokan (PRO) の詳細:</strong> <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan のすべての機能</a> Details
👉 <strong>Learn More About Dokan (PRO):</strong> <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">All The Features of Dokan</a>

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👉 <strong>Official Free Demo Link:</strong> Try out multiple <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan Demo sites</a> 👉 <strong>公式無料デモリンク:</strong> 複数の <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan デモサイト</a> Details
👉 <strong>Official Free Demo Link:</strong> Try out multiple <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan Demo sites</a>

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<a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan</a> is the ultimate frontend multivendor marketplace plugin for WordPress, powered by WooCommerce. It helps you build your own multivendor marketplace similar to Amazon, Shopify, eBay, and Magento in under 30 minutes. <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan</a> は最高のフロントエンドマルチベンダーマーケットプレイスです WooCommerce を利用した WordPress のプラグイン。Amazon、Shopify、eBay、Magento に似た独自のマーケットプレイスを 30 分以内に構築するのに役立ちます。 Details
<a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan</a> is the ultimate frontend multivendor marketplace plugin for WordPress, powered by WooCommerce. It helps you build your own multivendor marketplace similar to Amazon, Shopify, eBay, and Magento in under 30 minutes.

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SUCCESS STORIES WE ARE PROUD TO BE A PART OF 私たちがその一部であることを誇りに思う成功事例 Details

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Vendor commissions are automatically collected to reduce administrative burden. ベンダー手数料を自動的に徴収するため、管理負担が軽減します。 Details
Vendor commissions are automatically collected to reduce administrative burden.

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The admin can configure automatic withdrawal disbursement for vendor payments based on amount or time period. 管理者として、Dokan を使用すると、マーケットプレイスで発生するすべてのことを完全に制御できます。 製品公開、ベンダー登録、サブスクリプション更新、その他あらゆるベンダー活動など、マーケットプレイス運営の際立った機能を定義します。 Details
The admin can configure automatic withdrawal disbursement for vendor payments based on amount or time period.

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Dokan comes with a number of advanced features &amp; modules that boost your WooCommerce marketplace position, always keeping you one step ahead of the competition. Continuous innovations and features are brought with regular and timely releases. Check out the changelog <a href="">here</a> Dokan には、多数の高度な機能が備わっています。市場での地位を高め、常に競合他社の一歩先を行くモジュールを提供します。継続的なイノベーションと機能は、定期的かつタイムリーなリリースによってもたらされます。変更ログは<a href="">こちら</a>で確認してください。 Details
Dokan comes with a number of advanced features &amp; modules that boost your WooCommerce marketplace position, always keeping you one step ahead of the competition. Continuous innovations and features are brought with regular and timely releases. Check out the changelog <a href="">here</a>

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<strong>Detailed Reports Of Your Marketplace (Pro)</strong> * Vendors can see their <a href="">sales report, generate statements and overview from the frontend</a> (Vendor Analytics). * Admins can <a href="">overview orders</a> and filter by sale, date, top vendors, or top earners. * Let Vendors easily migrate from other marketplaces to your Dokan marketplace using the <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Export/Import feature</a> (Pro) without losing any product data, including stock value, SKU information, tags and other information. * Admin has access to all customer reviews on the marketplace. The customer can leave <a href="">reviews for a product/vendor</a> they are satisfied with. The vendor cannot change a review, promoting transparency. <strong>マーケットプレイスの詳細レポート (Pro)</strong> * ベンダーは、<a href="">販売レポートを確認し、フロントエンドからステートメントと概要を生成できます</a> (Vendor Analytics)。 * 管理者は<a href="">注文を概要</a>し、セール、日付、上位ベンダー、または上位収益者でフィルタリングできます。 * ベンダーは<a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">エクスポート/インポート機能</a> (Pro) を使用して、他のマーケットプレイスから Dokan マーケットプレイスに簡単に移行できるようにします。在庫値、SKU 情報、タグ、その他の情報を含む商品データを失うことはありません。 * 管理者はマーケットプレイスのすべての顧客レビューにアクセスできます。 顧客は満足した<a href="">製品 / ベンダーのレビュー</a>を残すことができます。 ベンダーはレビューを変更できないため、透明性が促進されます。 Details
<strong>Detailed Reports Of Your Marketplace (Pro)</strong> * Vendors can see their <a href="">sales report, generate statements and overview from the frontend</a> (Vendor Analytics). * Admins can <a href="">overview orders</a> and filter by sale, date, top vendors, or top earners. * Let Vendors easily migrate from other marketplaces to your Dokan marketplace using the <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Export/Import feature</a> (Pro) without losing any product data, including stock value, SKU information, tags and other information. * Admin has access to all customer reviews on the marketplace. The customer can leave <a href="">reviews for a product/vendor</a> they are satisfied with. The vendor cannot change a review, promoting transparency.

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Never get bored with the old-fashioned appearance of your store. Have full control over your store customization and give life to your imagination with Dokan integrations. 昔ながらの佇まいの店内は飽きがきません。 Dokan との統合により、ストアのカスタマイズを完全に制御し、想像力に命を吹き込みます。 Details
Never get bored with the old-fashioned appearance of your store. Have full control over your store customization and give life to your imagination with Dokan integrations.

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Dokan Multivendor Marketplace plugin allows you to have an unlimited number of vendors on any marketplace, each with the ability to create an unlimited number of products. Create marketplaces that offer – * Physical products * Downloadable products * Variable products * Bookable products through the <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan WC Bookings Integration</a> * Auction products through the <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan Simple Auction Integration</a> Dokan Multivendor Marketplace プラグインを使用すると、任意のマーケットプレイスに無制限のベンダーを配置でき、それぞれのベンダーが無制限の数の製品を作成できます。 以下を提供するマーケットプレイスを作成します。 * 物理的な製品 * ダウンロード商品 * 変動する商品 * <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan WC 予約の統合</a>を通じて予約可能な商品 * <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;"> Dokan シンプルオークションの統合</a>を通じて商品をオークションに出品。 Details
Dokan Multivendor Marketplace plugin allows you to have an unlimited number of vendors on any marketplace, each with the ability to create an unlimited number of products. Create marketplaces that offer – * Physical products * Downloadable products * Variable products * Bookable products through the <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan WC Bookings Integration</a> * Auction products through the <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan Simple Auction Integration</a>

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Dokan (Pro) comes with a free, fully responsive eCommerce theme - <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokani</a> with special widgets to ensure you can customize the theme however you like. Dokan (Pro) には、完全にレスポンシブな無料の eコマーステーマを付属しています - テーマを自由にカスタマイズできる特別なウィジェットを備えた<a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokan</a>。 Details
Dokan (Pro) comes with a free, fully responsive eCommerce theme - <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">Dokani</a> with special widgets to ensure you can customize the theme however you like.

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To provide a comprehensive frontend experience, every vendor has a <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">personalized customizable dashboard</a> on the store frontend. They can easily navigate and control every aspect of their marketplace from there. Backend access is restricted to only the admin, which sets Dokan apart from other marketplace plugins. However, all Dokan <a href="">modules</a> are frontend compatible so that both the admin and vendors can enjoy the benefits and advanced features of Dokan. 包括的なフロントエンドエクスペリエンスを提供するために、すべてのベンダーはストアフロントエンドの<a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">パーソナライズされたカスタマイズ可能なダッシュボード</a>を備えています。そこからマーケットプレイスのあらゆる側面を簡単にナビゲートして制御できます。バックエンドへのアクセスは、管理者のみに制限されており、これが Dokan を他のマーケットプレイスプラグインとは区別します。ただし、すべての Dokan <a href="">モジュール</a>はフロントエンドと互換性があるため、管理者とベンダーの両方が Dokan の利点と高度な機能を享受できます。 Details
To provide a comprehensive frontend experience, every vendor has a <a href=";utm_medium=learn_more_about_dokan&amp;">personalized customizable dashboard</a> on the store frontend. They can easily navigate and control every aspect of their marketplace from there. Backend access is restricted to only the admin, which sets Dokan apart from other marketplace plugins. However, all Dokan <a href="">modules</a> are frontend compatible so that both the admin and vendors can enjoy the benefits and advanced features of Dokan.

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