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Translation of Stable (latest release): Slovenian

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Prio Original string Translation
%d configuration errors detected in this tab panel %d Zaznane konfiguracijske napake v tem zavihku Details
%d configuration errors detected in this tab panel

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Install a message storage plugin before this happens to you. %s saves all messages through contact forms into the database. Flamingo is a free WordPress plugin created by the same author as Contact Form 7. Namestite vtič za shranjevanje sporočil, preden se to zgodi. %s Shrani vsa sporočila prek kontaktnih obrazcev v bazo podatkov. Flamingo je brezplačen vtičnik WordPress, ki ga je ustvaril isti avtor kot kontaktni obrazec 7. Details
Install a message storage plugin before this happens to you. %s saves all messages through contact forms into the database. Flamingo is a free WordPress plugin created by the same author as Contact Form 7.

%s: link labeled ‘Flamingo’


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Contact Form 7 does not store submitted messages anywhere. Therefore, you may lose important messages forever if your mail server has issues or you make a mistake in mail configuration. Contact Form 7 ne shranjuje nobenega sporočila. Zato boste morda izgubili pomembna sporočila za vedno, če ima vaš poštni strežnik težave ali pa napako pri konfiguraciji pošte. Details
Contact Form 7 does not store submitted messages anywhere. Therefore, you may lose important messages forever if your mail server has issues or you make a mistake in mail configuration.

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Contact Form 7 supports spam-filtering with %1$s. Intelligent %2$s blocks annoying spambots. Plus, using %3$s, you can block messages containing specified keywords or those sent from specified IP addresses. Kontaktni obrazec 7 podpira filtriranje neželene pošte z %1$s. Inteligenten %2$s Blokira nadležno spambots. Plus, z uporabo %3$s, Lahko blokirate sporočila, ki vsebujejo določene ključne besede ali tiste, ki so poslane z določenih naslovov IP. Details
Contact Form 7 supports spam-filtering with %1$s. Intelligent %2$s blocks annoying spambots. Plus, using %3$s, you can block messages containing specified keywords or those sent from specified IP addresses.

links labeled 1: ‘Akismet’, 2: ‘reCAPTCHA’, 3: ‘disallowed list’


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Spammers target everything; your contact forms are not an exception. Before you get spammed, protect your contact forms with the powerful anti-spam features Contact Form 7 provides. Pošiljatelji neželene pošte ciljajo vse; Vaši kontaktni obrazci niso izjema. Preden se spamujete, zaščitite svoje kontaktne obrazce z močnimi funkcijami za preprečevanje vsiljene pošte. Details
Spammers target everything; your contact forms are not an exception. Before you get spammed, protect your contact forms with the powerful anti-spam features Contact Form 7 provides.

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Multiple form controls are in a single label element. Kontrole več oblik so v enem samem etiketnem elementu. Details
Multiple form controls are in a single label element.

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Misconfiguration leads to mail delivery failure or other troubles. Validate your contact forms now. Napačna konfiguracija vodi do neuspeha pri dostavi pošte ali drugih težav. Potrdite obrazce za stik zdaj. Details
Misconfiguration leads to mail delivery failure or other troubles. Validate your contact forms now.

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Validate Contact Form 7 Configuration Potrdite Contact Form 7 Konfiguracija Details
Validate Contact Form 7 Configuration

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You are not allowed to validate configuration. Preverjanje konfiguracije ni dovoljeno. Details
You are not allowed to validate configuration.

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Configuration validation completed. No invalid contact form was found. Konfiguracijska validacija je končana. Neveljaven kontaktni obrazec ni bil najden. Details
Configuration validation completed. No invalid contact form was found.

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Generate a form-tag for a multi-line text input field. For more details, see %s. Ustvari oznako obrazca za polje za vnos besedila z več vrstami. Za več podrobnosti glejte %s. Details
Generate a form-tag for a multi-line text input field. For more details, see %s.

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Generate a form-tag for a single-line telephone number input field. For more details, see %s. Ustvari oznako obrazca za vnos polja za telefonsko številko ene same linije. Za več podrobnosti glejte %s. Details
Generate a form-tag for a single-line telephone number input field. For more details, see %s.

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Generate a form-tag for a single-line URL input field. For more details, see %s. Ustvari oznako obrazca za polje vnosa URL-ja z enim samim linij. Za več podrobnosti glejte %s. Details
Generate a form-tag for a single-line URL input field. For more details, see %s.

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Generate a form-tag for a single-line email address input field. For more details, see %s. Ustvari oznako obrazca za vnos polja z enim samim naslovom e-poštnega naslova. Za več podrobnosti glejte %s. Details
Generate a form-tag for a single-line email address input field. For more details, see %s.

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Generate a form-tag for a single-line plain text input field. For more details, see %s. Ustvari oznako obrazca za polje za vnos besedila z več vrstami. Za več podrobnosti glejte %s. Details
Generate a form-tag for a single-line plain text input field. For more details, see %s.

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