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Translation of Development (trunk): Slovenian

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Stripe is a simple and powerful way to accept payments online. Stripe has no setup fees, no monthly fees, and no hidden costs. Millions of businesses rely on Stripe’s software tools to accept payments securely and expand globally. Stripe je preprost in zmogljiv način za prejemanje spletnih plačil. Stripe ne vsebuje stroškov namestitve, mesečnih stroškov in ostalih skritih stroškov. Milijoni podjetij se zanašajo na programska orodja Stripe. Stripe uporabljajo tako za varno prejemanje plačil kot globalno širitev svojega posla. Za več podrobnosti glej %s. Details
Stripe is a simple and powerful way to accept payments online. Stripe has no setup fees, no monthly fees, and no hidden costs. Millions of businesses rely on Stripe’s software tools to accept payments securely and expand globally.

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You can set up the Brevo integration here. For details, see %s. Tu nastavljaš Sendinblue integracijo. Za podrobnosti glej %s. Details
You can set up the Brevo integration here. For details, see %s.

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reCAPTCHA protects you against spam and other types of automated abuse. With Contact Form 7’s reCAPTCHA integration module, you can block abusive form submissions by spam bots. reCAPTCHA vas varuje pred nezaželeno e-pošto in ostalimi tipi avtomatskih zlorab. Z integracijskim modulom Contact Form 7’s reCAPTCHA, lahko preprečite spam bot zlorabe poslane iz vaših obrazcev. Za podrobnosti glej %s. Details
reCAPTCHA protects you against spam and other types of automated abuse. With Contact Form 7’s reCAPTCHA integration module, you can block abusive form submissions by spam bots.

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Contact Form 7 does not store submitted messages anywhere. Therefore, you may lose important messages forever if your mail server has issues or you make a mistake in mail configuration. Contact Form 7 ne shranjuje nobenega sporočila. Zato boste morda izgubili pomembna sporočila za vedno, če ima vaš poštni strežnik težave ali pa napako pri konfiguraciji pošte. Details
Contact Form 7 does not store submitted messages anywhere. Therefore, you may lose important messages forever if your mail server has issues or you make a mistake in mail configuration.

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Spammers target everything; your contact forms are not an exception. Before you get spammed, protect your contact forms with the powerful anti-spam features Contact Form 7 provides. Pošiljatelji neželene pošte ciljajo vse; Vaši kontaktni obrazci niso izjema. Preden se spamujete, zaščitite svoje kontaktne obrazce z močnimi funkcijami za preprečevanje vsiljene pošte. Details
Spammers target everything; your contact forms are not an exception. Before you get spammed, protect your contact forms with the powerful anti-spam features Contact Form 7 provides.

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Sender does not enter the correct answer to the quiz Pošiljatelj ni vpisal pravilne rešitve kviza Details
Sender does not enter the correct answer to the quiz

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There are also special mail-tags that have specific names, but do not have corresponding form-tags. They are used to represent meta information of form submissions like the submitter’s IP address or the URL of the page. Obstajajo tudi posebne poštne-oznake (mail-tags) vendar nimajo pripadajoče oznake obrazca (form-tags) Uporabljajo se za predstavljanje meta informacij poslanega oprazca kot naprimer IP naslov pošiljatelja ali URL naslov strani Details
There are also special mail-tags that have specific names, but do not have corresponding form-tags. They are used to represent meta information of form submissions like the submitter’s IP address or the URL of the page.

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While form-tags have a comparatively complex syntax, you do not need to know the syntax to add form-tags because you can use the straightforward tag generator (<strong>Generate Tag</strong> button on this screen). Ne glede na to, da imajo oznake obrazca razmeroma zapleteno strukturo vam le te ni treba poznati saj oznako obrazca preprosto dodate z neposrednim generatorjen oznak (Gumb <strong>Generator oznak</strong>v tem oknu). Details
While form-tags have a comparatively complex syntax, you do not need to know the syntax to add form-tags because you can use the straightforward tag generator (<strong>Generate Tag</strong> button on this screen).

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Spam filtering with Akismet Spam Filtriranje z Akismet Details
Spam filtering with Akismet

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