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Translation of Development (trunk): Slovenian

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Prio Original string Translation
Function %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Contact Form 7 version %2$s! Use %3$s instead. Funkcija %1$s je <strong>zastarela</strong> od različice Contact Form 7 %2$s dalje! Uporabi %3$s. Details
Function %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Contact Form 7 version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.

1: PHP function name, 2: version number, 3: alternative function name


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Spam protection Spam zaščita Details
Spam protection

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Function %1$s was called incorrectly. %2$s %3$s Funkcija %1$s ni priklicana pravilno. %2$s %3$s Details
Function %1$s was called incorrectly. %2$s %3$s

Developer debugging message. 1: PHP function name, 2: Explanatory message, 3: Contact Form 7 version number.


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Hello, This is a confirmation email sent from %1$s. We have received your submission to our web form, according to which you have allowed us to add you to our contact list. But, the process has not yet been completed. To complete it, please click the following link. %2$s If it was not your intention, or if you have no idea why you received this message, please do not click on the link, and ignore this message. We will never collect or use your personal data without your clear consent. Sincerely, %1$s Pozdravljeni, to je potrditveno sporočilo poslano s spletišča %1$s. Prejeli smo vaše sporočilo z našega spletnega obrazca s čimer soglašate, da vas smemo uvrstiti na kontaktni seznam. Postopek s tem še ni zaključen. Za zaključek, prosimo sledite spodnji povezavi. %2$s V kolikor to ni vaš namen oziroma ne veste čemu ste prejeli dotično obvestilo, prosimo, ne sledite povezavi ter sporočilo enostavno ignorirajte. Brez vašega soglasja ne bomo nikoli zbirali vaših osebnih podatkov. S spoštovanjem, %1$s Details
Hello, This is a confirmation email sent from %1$s. We have received your submission to our web form, according to which you have allowed us to add you to our contact list. But, the process has not yet been completed. To complete it, please click the following link. %2$s If it was not your intention, or if you have no idea why you received this message, please do not click on the link, and ignore this message. We will never collect or use your personal data without your clear consent. Sincerely, %1$s

1: blog name, 2: confirmation link


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Opt-in confirmation from %s Opt-in potrditev od %s Details
Opt-in confirmation from %s

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You can set up the Constant Contact integration here. For details, see %s. Tu lahko nastavljaš Constant Contact integracijo. Za podrobnosti glej %s. Details
You can set up the Constant Contact integration here. For details, see %s.

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Unique identifier for the contact form. Edinstveni identifikator za kontaktni obrazec. Details
Unique identifier for the contact form.

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Dots are used in form-tag names. Pike so uporabljene v imenih form-značk. Details
Dots are used in form-tag names.

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You have strong allies to back you up. Na voljo so ti zmogljivi podporniki. Details
You have strong allies to back you up.

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You can expand the possibilities of your contact forms by integrating them with external services. For details, see %s. Zmogljivosti svojih kontaktnih obrazcev lahko širiš z integracijami zunanjih storitev. Za podrobnosti glej %s. Details
You can expand the possibilities of your contact forms by integrating them with external services. For details, see %s.

%s: link labeled ‘Integration with external APIs’


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With help from cloud-based machine learning, anti-spam services will protect your forms (%1$s). Even payment services are natively supported (%2$s). Obrazci so zaščiteni si s pomočjo oblačno-strojnega učenja anti-spam zaščite (%1$s). Prisotno podprti so celo plačilni servisi (%2$s). Details
With help from cloud-based machine learning, anti-spam services will protect your forms (%1$s). Even payment services are natively supported (%2$s).

1: link labeled ‘reCAPTCHA’, 2: link labeled ‘Stripe’


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Failed to attach a file. The total file size exceeds the limit of 25 megabytes. Pripenjanje datoteke ni uspešno. Skupna velikost presega omejitev 25 megabajtov. Details
Failed to attach a file. The total file size exceeds the limit of 25 megabytes.

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Failed to attach a file. %s is not a readable file. Pripenjanje datoteke ni uspešno. %s ni berljiva datoteka. Details
Failed to attach a file. %s is not a readable file.

%s: Attachment file path.


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Failed to attach a file. %s is not in the allowed directory. Pripenjanje datoteke ni uspešno. %s ni v dovoljenem imeniku. Details
Failed to attach a file. %s is not in the allowed directory.

%s: Attachment file path.


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You have no contact list yet. Brez seznama kontaktov. Details
You have no contact list yet.

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