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Translation of Stable (latest release): French (France)

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Prio Original string Translation
The URL you provided is not a permalink to a public BuddyPress Activity. Please use another URL. L’URL que vous avez utilisé n’est pas un permalien menant à une activité publique BuddyPress. Merci d’utiliser une autre URL. Details
The URL you provided is not a permalink to a public BuddyPress Activity. Please use another URL.

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Show on Group
BP Group type show in list
Afficher sur le groupe Details
Show on Group
Context BP Group type show in list

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Show on Group Creation
BP Group type show in create screen
Afficher lors de la création d’un groupe Details
Show on Group Creation
Context BP Group type show in create screen

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Most Used
Group type taxonomy most used items label
Les plus utilisés Details
Most Used
Context Group type taxonomy most used items label

Tab heading when selecting from the most used terms.


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BuddyPress Group Types
Group type taxonomy description
Types de groupe BuddyPress Details
BuddyPress Group Types
Context Group type taxonomy description

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← Back to Group Types
Group type taxonomy back to items label
Retour à la liste des types de groupe Details
← Back to Group Types
Context Group type taxonomy back to items label

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Group Types list
Group type taxonomy items list label
Liste des types de groupe Details
Group Types list
Context Group type taxonomy items list label

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Group Types list navigation
Group type taxonomy items list navigation label
Navigation de la liste des types de groupe Details
Group Types list navigation
Context Group type taxonomy items list navigation label

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No group types
Group type taxonomy no terms label
Aucun type de groupe Details
No group types
Context Group type taxonomy no terms label

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No group types found.
Group type taxonomy not found label
Aucun type de groupe trouvé Details
No group types found.
Context Group type taxonomy not found label

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Choose from the most used group types
Group type taxonomy choose from most used label
Choisir parmi les types de groupe les plus utilisés Details
Choose from the most used group types
Context Group type taxonomy choose from most used label

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Parent Group Type
Group type taxonomy parent item label
Type de groupe parent Details
Parent Group Type
Context Group type taxonomy parent item label

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Parent Group Type:
Group type taxonomy parent item label
Type de groupe parent : Details
Parent Group Type:
Context Group type taxonomy parent item label

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Type slug Slug du type Details
Type slug

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The name of this type in plural form. Le nom de ce type au pluriel. Details
The name of this type in plural form.

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Changes requested
With warnings
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