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Translation of Stable (latest release): Japanese

Prio Original string Translation
Delete all Product Terms not used in any AS ticket. ASチケットに使用されていないすべての商品条件を削除します。 Details

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Delete all Product Terms not used in any AS ticket.

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If Smart Tickets Order is enabled, Awesome Support will display tickets that need immediate attention at the top. Smart Tickets Orderが有効になっている場合、Awesome Supportは、すぐに注意が必要なチケットを上部に表示します。 Details

Original changes requested

If Smart Tickets Order is enabled, Awesome Support will display tickets that need immediate attention at the top.

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<h2>Multiple Products</h2><p>The plugin can handle single product and multiple products support. If you do need to provide support for multiple products it is very important that you do NOT use a custom field or taxonomy and use the &laquo;Multiple Products&raquo; option instead.</p><p>The reason why it is so important is that many addons for Awesome Support are using the built-in products management system to work properly.</p> <h2>複数の製品</h2><p>プラグインでは、単品の商品や複数の製品を扱うことができます。 複数の製品のサポートを提供する必要がある場合には、カスタムフィールドやタクソノミーを使用しないで、プションの代わりに&laquo;Multiple Products&raquo;を使用します。</p><p>Awesome Supportのアドオンの多くが、組み込み製品管理システムを使用することで正しく機能することが重要な理由です。</p> Details

Original changes requested

<h2>Multiple Products</h2><p>The plugin can handle single product and multiple products support. If you do need to provide support for multiple products it is very important that you do NOT use a custom field or taxonomy and use the &laquo;Multiple Products&raquo; option instead.</p><p>The reason why it is so important is that many addons for Awesome Support are using the built-in products management system to work properly.</p>

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Admins See All 管理者全員��見る Details

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Admins See All

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All custom taxonomies terms were cleared すべてのカスタム分類基準がクリアされました Details

Original changes requested

All custom taxonomies terms were cleared

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Converts into WordPress admin e-mail (<em>currently: %s</em>) WordPressの管理用メールに変換します(<em>現在: %s</em>)。 Details

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Converts into WordPress admin e-mail (<em>currently: %s</em>)

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Delete all products synchronized from your e-commerce plugin. e-commerceプラグインから同期されたすべての商品を削除します。 Details

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Delete all products synchronized from your e-commerce plugin.

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An editor ID is mandatory to load a new instance of TinyMCE エディタIDは、TinyMCEの新しいインスタンスを読み込むために必須です Details

Original changes requested

An editor ID is mandatory to load a new instance of TinyMCE

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With warnings

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