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Translation of French (France)

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Explore patterns Explorer les compositions Details
Explore patterns

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Fast and efficient Rapide et efficace Details
Fast and efficient

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Development of WordPress moves fairly quickly and day-to-day things break as often as they are fixed. This high churn is part of our development process that aims to produce the most stable releases possible. Le développement de WordPress est très dynamique et quotidiennement, les choses se cassent aussi vite qu’elles se corrigent. Ce rythme effréné est une part importante de notre processus de développement dont le but est de produire les versions les plus stables possibles. Details
Development of WordPress moves fairly quickly and day-to-day things break as often as they are fixed. This high churn is part of our development process that aims to produce the most stable releases possible.

You have to log in to edit this translation. shall maintain WordCamp attendee data for 3 years to better track and foster community growth, and then automatically delete non-essential data collected via registration. Attendee names and email addresses will be retained indefinitely, to preserve our ability to respond to code of conduct reports. peut conserver les données d’un participant à un Wordcamp pendant 3 ans pour un meilleur suivi et favoriser la croissance de la communauté, pour ensuite supprimer les données non essentielles collectées lors de l’inscription. Les nom, prénom et adresses de messagerie d’un participant seront conservées indéfiniment, pour assurer notre capacité à répondre au rapports de code de conduite. Details shall maintain WordCamp attendee data for 3 years to better track and foster community growth, and then automatically delete non-essential data collected via registration. Attendee names and email addresses will be retained indefinitely, to preserve our ability to respond to code of conduct reports.

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Clean, Lean, and Mean Clair, net et précis Details
Clean, Lean, and Mean

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The license under which the WordPress software is released is the GPLv2 (or later) from the <a href="%1$s">Free Software Foundation</a>. A copy of the license is included with every copy of WordPress, but you can also <a href="%2$s">read the text of the license here</a>. La licence sous laquelle le logiciel WordPress est produit est la GPLv2 (ou ultérieure) de la <a href="%1$s">Free Software Foundation</a>. Une copie de la licence est inclue dans chaque copie de WordPress, mais vous pouvez également <a href="%2$s">lire le texte de la licence ici</a>. Details
The license under which the WordPress software is released is the GPLv2 (or later) from the <a href="%1$s">Free Software Foundation</a>. A copy of the license is included with every copy of WordPress, but you can also <a href="%2$s">read the text of the license here</a>.

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Part of this license outlines requirements for derivative works, such as plugins or themes. Derivatives of WordPress code inherit the GPL license. <a href="%1$s">Drupal</a>, which has the same GPL license as WordPress, has an excellent page on <a href="%2$s">licensing as it applies to themes and modules</a> (their word for plugins). Une part de cette licence met en évidence les prérequis pour les projets dérivés, comme les extensions ou les thèmes. Les projets dérivés du code de WordPress héritent de la licence GPL. <a href="%1$s">Drupal</a>, qui utilise la même licence GPL que WordPress, propose une excellente page sur <a href="%2$s">l’application de la licence aux thèmes et modules</a> (leur terme pour extensions). Details
Part of this license outlines requirements for derivative works, such as plugins or themes. Derivatives of WordPress code inherit the GPL license. <a href="%1$s">Drupal</a>, which has the same GPL license as WordPress, has an excellent page on <a href="%2$s">licensing as it applies to themes and modules</a> (their word for plugins).

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