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Translation of WordPress Theme Directory: Finnish

1 2 3
Prio Original string Translation
PHP Version: %s
Priority: high
PHP versio: %s Details
PHP Version: %s

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%s or higher
Priority: high
%s tai uudempi Details
WordPress Version: %s
Priority: high
WordPressin versio %s Details
WordPress Version: %s

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Active Installations: %s
Priority: high
Aktiiviset asennukset: %s Details
Active Installations: %s

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See all
Priority: high
Näytä kaikki Details
Report this theme
Priority: high
Raportoi tämä teema Details
Does this theme have major issues?
Priority: high
Onko tällä teemalla isoja ongelmia? Details
Does this theme have major issues?

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Priority: high
Raportoi Details
Add my review
Priority: high
Lisää arviointini Details
F j, Y
last update date format Priority: high
j.n.Y Details
F j, Y

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Trac Tickets
Priority: high
Seuraa tukipyyntöjä Details
Trac Tickets

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Page not found Sivua ei löydy Details
Page not found

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Search Results for “%s” Tulokset haulle %s Details
Search Results for “%s”

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Create a Theme Luo Teema Details
Create a Theme

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Add Your Theme Lisää oma Teema Details
Add Your Theme

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2 3

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