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Translation of Rosetta: Hungarian

Prio Original string Translation
Priority: low
Website-ok Details
Priority: low
Aldomain Details

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Priority: low
Aldomain: Details

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The ID of the association is missing. Please try again.
Priority: low
A társítás azonosítója hiányzik. Kérlek próbáld újra. Details
The ID of the association is missing. Please try again.

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Existing Associations
Priority: low
Létező társítások Details
The association has been deleted.
Priority: low
A társítások törölve. Details
The association has been deleted.

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Add New Association
Priority: low
Új társítás hozzáadása Details
An error occurred. Please try again.
Priority: low
Hiba lépett fel. Kérlek próbáld újra. Details
An error occurred. Please try again.

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Edit Cross-Locale PTE
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This is the list of our current Cross-Locale PTEs.
Priority: low
Ez a jelenlegi helyközi PTE-ink listája. Details
This is the list of our current Cross-Locale PTEs.

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Cross-Locale PTEs
Priority: low
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Cross-Locale PTEs

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Cross-Locale PTE
Priority: low
Helyközi PTE Details
Cross-Locale PTE

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