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Translation of WordPress Plugin Directory: Upper Sorbian

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Priority: high
(rozšěrjeny napohlad) Details
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Searching the block directory. <a href="%s">Search all plugins</a>.
Priority: high
Zapis blokow so přepytuje. <a href="%s">Wšě tykače přepytać</a>. Details
Searching the block directory. <a href="%s">Search all plugins</a>.

%s: Search URL


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This plugin is currently owned by %s, they can choose to transfer ownership rights of the plugin to you.
Priority: high
Tutón tykač tuchwilu %s słuša, móže prawa mějićelstwa tykača na was přenošować. Details
This plugin is currently owned by %s, they can choose to transfer ownership rights of the plugin to you.

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Priority: high
Statistika Details
Log in to submit a review.
Priority: high
Přizjewće so, zo byšće pohódnoćenje zapodał. Details
Log in to submit a review.

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Log in to
Priority: high
Přizjewće so pola Details
Log in to

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There are no reviews for this plugin.
Priority: high
Za tutón tykač pohódnoćenja njejsu. Details
There are no reviews for this plugin.

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Adopt this plugin
Priority: high
Tutón tykač přewzać Details
Adopt this plugin

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This plugin is seeking new, active, developers. Are you interested in assuming that responsibility?
Priority: high
Za tutón tykač so nowi, aktiwni wuwiwarjo pytaja. Sće zajimowany, tutu zamołwitosć na so wzać? Details
This plugin is seeking new, active, developers. Are you interested in assuming that responsibility?

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Plugin Adopt Me
Priority: high
Tykač „Mje přewzać“ Details
Plugin Adopt Me

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Displays an adopt me panel.
Priority: high
Pokazuje wokno „Mje přewzać“. Details
Displays an adopt me panel.

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Page %1$s of %2$s
Priority: high
Strona %1$s z %2$s Details
Page %1$s of %2$s

1: current page number, 2: total number of pages


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Plugins categorized as %s
Priority: high
Tykače, kotrež su jako %s kategorizowane Details
Plugins categorized as %s

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  • Singular:
    This plugin provides %d block.
  • Plural:
    This plugin provides %d blocks.
Priority: high
  • 1, 101, 201:
    Tutón tykač %d blok skići.
  • 2, 102, 202:
    Tutón tykač %d blokaj skići.
  • 3, 4, 103:
    Tutón tykač %d bloki skići.
  • 0, 5, 6:
    Tutón tykač %d blokow skići.
Singular: This plugin provides %d block.
Plural: This plugin provides %d blocks.

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plugin tab title Priority: high
Bloki Details
Context plugin tab title

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With warnings
1 2 3 44

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