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Translation of WordPress Plugin Directory: Finnish

Prio Original string Translation
  • Singular:
    Tag %s
  • Plural:
    Tags %s
Priority: high
  • Singular:
    Avainsana: %s
  • Plural:
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Singular: Tag %s
Plural: Tags %s

%s: tag list


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Tested up to %s
Priority: high
Testattu versioon: %s Details
Tested up to %s

%s: version number


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Last updated %s
Priority: high
Viimeksi päivitetty: %s Details
Last updated %s

%s: time since the last update


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My favorites
Plugin Section Name
Omat suosikit Details
My favorites
Context Plugin Section Name

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Adopt me
Plugin Section Name
Ota ohjat Details
Adopt me
Context Plugin Section Name

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Please don&#8217;t! Instead email <code></code> and we can rename your plugin as long as it&#8217;s not approved. Since we check emails first, the odds are we&#8217;ll catch it. If we don&#8217;t, just email us and explain the mistake. We&#8217;ll explain what to do. Älä lähetä uudestaan. Lähetä sen sijaan sähköpostia osoitteeseen <code></code> ja voimme uudelleennimetä sen kunhan sitä ei ole vielä hyväksytty. Koska tarkastamme sähköpostit ensin, todennäköisesti ehdimme vaihtaa nimen. Jos emme ehdi, lähetä sähköpostia ja selitä tilanne. Me keroomme mitä voit tehdä. Details
Please don&#8217;t! Instead email <code></code> and we can rename your plugin as long as it&#8217;s not approved. Since we check emails first, the odds are we&#8217;ll catch it. If we don&#8217;t, just email us and explain the mistake. We&#8217;ll explain what to do.

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Check out the <strong><a href="%s">FAQ</a></strong> for more information. Katso lisätietoa <strong><a href="%s">usein kysyttyjen kysymysten</a> </strong> listasta. Details
Check out the <strong><a href="%s">FAQ</a></strong> for more information.

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This plugin <strong>hasn&#146;t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress</strong>. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress. Lisäosaa <strong>ei ole päivitetty yli 2 vuoteen</strong>. Lisäosaa ei välttämättä enää ylläpidetä tai se ei ole tuettu ja se saattaa sisältää yhteensopivuusongelmia uusimpien WordPressin versioiden kanssa. Details
This plugin <strong>hasn&#146;t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress</strong>. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

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Editing Plugin: Muokkaat lisäosaa %s Details
Editing Plugin:

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Please correct the listed problems with your plugin and upload it again. You can also use the <a href="%1$s">Plugin Check Plugin</a> to test your plugin before uploading. If you have any questions about this please post them to %2$s.
Priority: low
Lisäosasi on hylätty lisäosan tarkastuksessa. Korjaa ongelmat ja lataa lisäosa uudelleen. Voit myös käyttää <a href="%1$s">lisäosaa</a> tarkastaaksesi lisäosan ennen lataamista. Jos sinulla on kysymyksiä, lähetä ne %2$s. Details
Please correct the listed problems with your plugin and upload it again. You can also use the <a href="%1$s">Plugin Check Plugin</a> to test your plugin before uploading. If you have any questions about this please post them to %2$s.

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[WordPress Plugin Directory] Notice: %s
Priority: low
[WordPressin lisäosahakemisto] %s: %s Details
[WordPress Plugin Directory] Notice: %s

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Version strings may only contain numeric and period characters (i.e. 1.2). Please correct the %s line in your main plugin file and upload the plugin again.
Priority: low
Version merkkijonot voivat sisältää ainoastaan numeroita ja pisteitä (kuten 1.2). Korjaa rivi %s lisäosan päätiedostosta ja lataa uudelleen. Details
Version strings may only contain numeric and period characters (i.e. 1.2). Please correct the %s line in your main plugin file and upload the plugin again.

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  • Singular:
    %s plugin rejected.
  • Plural:
    %s plugins rejected.
Priority: low
  • Singular:
    Lisäosa %d hylätty.
  • Plural:
    Lisäosat %d hylätty.
Singular: %s plugin rejected.
Plural: %s plugins rejected.

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  • Singular:
    My Plugins <span class="count">(%s)</span>
  • Plural:
    My Plugins <span class="count">(%s)</span>
posts Priority: low
  • Singular:
    Omat <span class="count">(%s)</span>
  • Plural:
    Omat <span class="count">(%s)</span>
Singular: My Plugins <span class="count">(%s)</span>
Plural: My Plugins <span class="count">(%s)</span>

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With warnings

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