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Translation of WordPress Plugin Directory: Spanish (Mexico)

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Prio Original string Translation
“%s” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
Priority: high
Este software es de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han contribuido a este plugin. Details
“%s” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.

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Login, Slug, or Email.
Priority: high
Acceso, slug o correo electrónico. Details
Login, Slug, or Email.

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Priority: high
Añadir Details
Displays contributor information.
Priority: high
Muestra la información del colaborador. Details
Displays contributor information.

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Displays committer information.
Priority: high
Muestra la información del colaborador. Details
Displays committer information.

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Priority: high
Colaboradores Details
Plugin Contributors
Priority: high
Colaboradores del plugin Details
Plugin Contributors

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%1$s<span class="screen-reader-text"> total ratings</span>
Priority: high
%1$s<span class="screen-reader-text"> total de valoraciones</span> Details
%1$s<span class="screen-reader-text"> total ratings</span>

1: number of ratings


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Priority: high
Meta Details

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Search plugins
Priority: high
Buscar plugins Details
The WordPress Plugin Directory is the largest directory of free and open source WordPress plugins. Find out how to <a href="%s">host your plugin</a> on
Priority: high
El directorio de plugins de WordPress es el mayor directorio de plugins WordPress gratuitos y de código abierto. Aprende a <a href="%s">alojar tu plugin</a> en Details
The WordPress Plugin Directory is the largest directory of free and open source WordPress plugins. Find out how to <a href="%s">host your plugin</a> on

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Building a plugin has never been easier. Read through the <a href="%s">Plugin Developer Handbook</a> to learn all about WordPress plugin development.
Priority: high
Crear un plugin no ha sido nunca tan fácil. Lee el <a href="%s">manual para el desarrollo de plugins</a> para aprenderlo todo acerca del desarrollo de plugins WordPress. Details
Building a plugin has never been easier. Read through the <a href="%s">Plugin Developer Handbook</a> to learn all about WordPress plugin development.

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Stay Up-to-Date
Priority: high
Mantente actualizado Details
Stay Up-to-Date

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Plugin development is constantly changing with each new WordPress release. Keep up with the latest changes by following the <a href="%s">Plugin Review Team&#8217;s blog</a>.
Priority: high
El desarrollo de plugins está constantemente cambiando con cada nuevo lanzamiento de WordPress. Mantente al día de los últimos cambios siguiendo el <a href="%s">blog del equipo de revisión de plugins</a>. Details
Plugin development is constantly changing with each new WordPress release. Keep up with the latest changes by following the <a href="%s">Plugin Review Team&#8217;s blog</a>.

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Search plugins
placeholder Priority: high
Buscar plugins Details
Search plugins
Context placeholder

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Changes requested
With warnings
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